I feel sooo good today!

Celia S.
on 6/28/11 7:50 am, edited 6/28/11 7:55 am - Grand Junction, CO
So I have to edit because *surprise, surprise* I tried posting a picture and it just won't work for me! I'm very frustrated by this, so if any of you have a suggestion other than copying and pasting pics into the thread, please share! LOL

Anyway, my pics are on my page in the "Before" album. I'm looking and feeling really good today! I just feel like I've come so far in the last two months and I haven't even had my surgery yet!

I've forever parted with my ugly old friend, the cigarette, I am kicking my addiction to food, and I'm picking up a new addiction -- EXERCISE! I used to hate sweating, but now I love it! The old me would have gotten stressed out and needed a Twinkie and a ciggy STAT! The new me says "After the day I've had, I'm really going to enjoy my workout!"

I'm also down 19 lbs since I started my pre-op diet in May and I'm starting to see some difference in my arms! I love it!

Hope you all are feeling as great as I am today!
on 6/28/11 1:48 pm - Tallahassee, FL
Congrats! It's great you're kicking a bad habit and focusing on being healthy! It's good to start changes before surgery, your recovery will be a lot easier!
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
You can follow my journey at mandaschange.blogspot.com
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