Scared of being SKINNY!

on 7/5/11 12:45 am

I am finally having my surgery on August 8th (tentative date) and I'm not really sure what these thoughts are that I am having. I have always been heavy for as long as I can remember, but now that I will be able to shop for "little people" clothes and be able to do the things that I can't because I'm over weight I'm getting scared! I'm excited about my new healthy life but I'm scared of the new skinny me. Is this normal?

Arin----Revision from Band to BYPASS!!!!                        
Lisa R.
on 7/5/11 12:53 am - CA
I don't know if it is normal, but I feel it a little myself at times and I have seen people post it before.  

IMO, from my own experience, now that I don't have food to rely on I have to face up to my issues.  I used food for so much in my old life, things I didn't even realize I used food for.  The first few weeks after surgery were a real self awakening.  It sort of stripped me down and exposed me to some realities I had to face.

it's also a worry that being "normal" size will just make me normal...and will anyone notice me.  What am I if not the big girl?  Again, I think it is just an identity that has worked to hide my insecurities.  

Support groups help, make sure to join one. 
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 7/5/11 1:09 am - TN
congrats on your date thats when my surgery is! i am a little scared too but also excited!
on 7/5/11 2:04 am - NC
I've been dealing with the same sort of fears. I had surgery this past Friday and had a meltdown beforehand because I have moments of being so fearful. I've been dealing with my weight for as long as I can remember, was a size 16 in 4th grade, size 28 at 19. My interactions with food, the way people have treated me, and even just the way I have "assumed" people think about me have formed so much of who I am. If I am not spending my whole energy focused on my weight, if I do not have it to blame for whatever goes wrong in my life, if I actually conquer this life-long issue- who am I?

I'm coming to terms with how vulnerable this all makes me feel, and that it is possible to be afraid of succeeding. What is different about the surgery compared to a "diet" is that you cant't just quit, or have an off day. Looking back I realize that whenever I started a plan I always in the back of my mind assumed I would fail, and that there was some semblance of relief when eventually I did fall off the wagon, so to speak, and things went back to normal. I was miserable, but comfortable.

This whole experience requires introspection, and facing some harsh realities about ourselves, I think. It's terrifying, but it needs to be done, you know? So we have to just embrace it and instead of being afraid just treat it as an adventure. Staying positive will make so much of a difference I think.

You will do great, you can do this!

on 7/5/11 4:05 am - IL
I've been having the same issue. I'm scheduled for RNY on 7/12 and the closer it gets the more worried I've become. I've always been a healthy, full figured girl with large breasts, wide hips and butt. They have become a form of my identity. What am I without them? Will I even look right being skinny? Will my skin sag in odd places making me look horrible? I know that having the surgery will benefit my health and in some way I believe it will make me feel better but at the same time, how will I be emotionally? Will I look at the skinny me and long for my figure? What if I'm not attractive to men as a skinny girl, cause as a thick girl I haven't had any problems with men?
Believe me a lot of questions rise when getting closer to the date. I'm trying to stay positive and realize that I need this. I just wonder how my psyche will be afterwards.
psx chelly
on 7/5/11 4:28 am

Join the club. 

I have an issue buying smaller clothes.  Its not the money, its my brain looking at them and telling me that Ill never fit into it.  I look at the shirts and say to myself, nope too small, even though its the proper size for me.  I still have more weight-loss to go which scares me a little because at some point i will absolutly need to buy pants and shirts that fit.

My best friend forced me to buy some shirts for work, because I was looking like a rag-a muffin.  I have these jeans that I am wearing now, that are probably a size or two, too big.  Its a combination of shyness and trying to hide the weightloss.  My fat clothes are a security blanket of sorts.

Sometimes I prefered being "invisible" as a lot of obease people call themselves.

I think my brain needs to catch up to my weight-loss, or I need a therapist.  One of the two.


on 7/5/11 4:32 am - Omaha, NE
 I'm pretty certain it's normal.  I had my surgery about 14 months ago and I remember regretting it immediately and crying all the time and wishing I hadn't done it....ONLY because I couldn't eat like a pig anymore.  I was so convinced I'd never get over that saddness of "loss" and I'd be miserable the rest of my life, regardless of my size. 
Well guess what?  That is so not true I can't even describe to you how the saying "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" is SO TRUE!!!  The day I found myself RUNNING UPSTAIRS and not being breathless I had to stop for a second, look back at the stairs and I started to giggle like a kid on christmas morning.  And when I put lotion on after a shower, to this day I am amazed and thrilled that I can feel my bones and my muscles....didn't know I had any! LOL!  

So yes, being scared to death is normal.  Having horrible regrets is normal.  But I can promise you, if you keep your communication lines open and talk to the people on forum or a support group or whatever you need to do, do it.  If you keep all those sad and scared thoughts bottled up inside you, you'll be MORE miserable!  And discover new foods, even if its gross creamy soup...if it has a good flavor, you'll "savor that flavor" and slowly start to forget the wonders of a double cheeseburger! :)

Hang in there kiddo!  You will do awesome! :)

on 7/5/11 4:42 am - TX
RNY on 01/13/12 with
I understand what you are going through. I am there right now, I got my process started about a month ago and im nervous, I am more scared of being skinny then the surgury itself. Ive been a big girl my whole life, as long as i can remember. I dont know what its like to be skinny. Being overweight is my identity, I know ill feel better and be healthier but its still a huge unknown, its not ive been skinny then got fat. I think its just that we are scared of the unknown, we dont know how anyone will react to us, treat us. we are used to being overlooked, picked out, outcasts, and having to try to make up for not being "easy on the eyes" with a funny personality, outgoing, or in bad cases, "easy". I know i had a hard time finding my identity, that i never really did and just did whatever i had to to fit in. It caused a lot more problems later on then it helped.
This has definantly helped more that i thought it would and ive on been on here for a little bit.
Thanks everyone






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