iron and imiprazole questions

on 7/29/11 10:37 am - Waterbury, CT
I started taking imiprazole (prescribed) after my surgery and tried to stop it two to three times (I am not ten months out RNY surgery) every time I stop I get stomach pain that is fairly continuous a day or two after I stop.  The pain is uncomfortable and I don't like to eat with the pain so I restart the meds, and the pain is relieved in a day or two (on meds) The PA told me I had some mild gastritis - wonder if it might be something more - an ulcer ?

I am also having problems with low iron - also have menstrual problems so considering an ablation procedure to help with that - but I also recently read that imiprazole affects iron absorption - so I stopped it again - pain back within forty eight hours.  (taking 60 mg of iron daily.

Curious about the following ?  Do other people take imiprazole - if  so, any idea how long you might need it ?  Thoughts about gastritis and pain ?  I generally have a high tolerance to pain and am not really a complainer ...  just curious about other's experiences.

I think imiprazole is the generic form of prilosec (you can buy it over the counter now, but mine is prescribed -- and cheaper !!)
on 7/29/11 10:52 am
I'm taking imiprazole and the surgeon prescribes it for everyone immediately after surgery and only for the first two months. Its just his precaution to keep acid down and help facilitate healing. Sounds like your situation is different from why I'm taking it.
HW 254  SW 242  CW 148
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Kim H.
on 7/29/11 10:54 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
Lots of people have to slowly wean themselves off these types of meds since you get a sort of rebound acid effect that can make it really painful. I wouldn't stop altogether but slowly taper off. Maybe start by skipping a dose every fourth day and then see how you do. Slowly, like over months, cut bac****il you can come off of it altogether. I hope that helps. You may want to talk to Hala since she has posted about this before and seems to know a lot about it. Also, what does your doctor say? Take care!
I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
Trish S.
on 7/29/11 11:17 am - Upstate , NY
I didn't have RNY yet, but I can comment on the ablation......BEST - THING - EVER!!!!!!!!!  I would do it again and again if I needed to......But one ablation and BINGO......gone!  Good luck.....
“I think everyone should be told they’re beautiful until they believe it.?
on 7/29/11 11:42 am - Fort Knox, KY
stopping meds without talking to your doc is a real no no. My surgeon said i would be on omeprazole (which is the generic name for Priolosec)for the rest of my life in order to NOT get an ulcer. we still produce some acid after surgery the point of omeprazole is to keep that acid to a managable level so as not to damage the delicate lining of the intestines and the pouch. It can affect iron absorption so what you do is take the omeprazole in the AM and wait 2-4 hrs to take the Iron supplement so that you get the absorption. =) i have forgotten to take my prilosec here and there and end up with a burning sensation to mild pain especially after eating. This is why we take the meds after surgery, sure it's not fun, but it's to keep your body in the best balance as possible! check with your surgeon to be sure that's always the best bet...i ended up having to have an EGD done (camera down the throat to the pouch) when i told him I didn't take it, because he wanted to make sure i didn't create an ulcer. when you have an ulcer they have to fix it quickly or you may end up having to have another surgery to fix it if it's too bad! =)
SW/ CW/ Dr. GW/ My GW
279/ 160/ 170/ 150    
on 7/30/11 2:54 am - Rochester, NY
I take my omprazole in the AM and my iron in the PM, I intend on taking both for life as ulcers run in my family....
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