Protein Bars!

on 8/12/11 7:30 pm - Center Line, MI
I'm thinking about starting protein bars and was wondering which ones were the best ones to get?

I know Costcos have them and would like to buy a big box of them....and as much as I like nuts I know right now that it's not an option.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!
on 8/12/11 9:42 pm
For me Quest bars are the best.  They have great stats and taste great.  They are only available online.


on 8/12/11 11:58 pm - Gaylord, MN
I like Pure Protein.  They are just under 200 calories and have 20 gm protein.  I buy a big box of them at Sam's Club.

on 8/13/11 12:24 am - Huntsville, AL
There is no way I can praise Quest bars enough.  I've tried many, many different protein bars and they all made me gag.  Plus, I have to be careful about Sugar Alcohols (which give me severe gastro problems).  Quest bars solved my problems both with SAs and taste.

The BEST thing about them is eating them as cookies.  If you break them into eighths and nuke them for about 35 seconds (on parchment paper works best) they make nice crunchy cookies.  I CRAVE crunch.  My favorites are the apple pie and mixed berry flavors, but I'm getting ready to try the brownie.  The peanut butter and Almond flavors have been around for awhile, and I'm kinda tired of them.
(deactivated member)
on 8/13/11 1:00 am
I experimented with ones, target sells individual ones, which is great since some are nasty, then you are not stuck with a box and a waste of  money. Also, I did not tolerate chocolate flavor until rececently, so did eat ones with nuts, but chewef them very well. I started eating nuts about 3 months out and had no trouble, might be worth a try. Good luck.
on 8/13/11 1:08 am
QUEST is the BEST!!!  (  and they are NOT chocolate coated!!! i got so tired of Chocolate Coated Protein Bars!!! i mean WOW!!! how many Protein Bars are there out there that are NOT chocolate coated???  I LOVE QUEST!!!  NO SUGAR ALCOHOLS TO UPSET YOUR TUMMY!  NO GLUTEN EITHER!!!  AND 20 GRAMS OF PROTEIN PER BAR...

           Start Weight 275 - im 52yrs Old - 5'7"

             had my RNY January 10th 2011



Price S.
on 8/13/11 2:33 am - Mills River, NC
My favs are Oh Yeah but they are pricey and hard to find.  I keep Pure Protein at home by the box as a standby.  Cheapest by the box at wally world.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

Between 35-40 BMI? join us on the Lightweight board.  the Lightweight Board

on 8/13/11 3:15 am - Columbus, OH
the best one is the one that tastes good and you are able to get down.  :)

I think tastes are so personal.  Go to vitamin shoppe and get singles of a bunch of different kinds.  Stick with what you like.    My only suggestion is that you use them as meal replacements and not as a vehicle for extra calories.    I also struggled with them right after surgery.  They are usually very dense and hard to eat for the new tummies.
on 8/13/11 4:12 am
Because of this post, I just ordered 1 of every Quest bar made.
Apparently the 8-10g of protein in the bars I've been buying are not enough to consider them protein bars.
The only other protein bar I ate that had 17g made my mouth and throat tingle. I dont know why, but I hope these quest bars dont do that.

RNY 5-5-2011

on 8/13/11 5:56 am - Tallahassee, FL
I bought a box of the ones from costco, ate maybe two bites one and the rest of the box is sitting in my pantry...untouched!
I love supreme protein bars, power chrunch wafers, oh yeah protein bars and some of the pure protein bars! These are the only ones I've been able to tolerate.
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