For the first time since surgery..........

on 8/12/11 7:28 pm - Center Line, MI
I ate a few tortilla chips and about 1/3 cup of salsa, it stayed down!! :)

A lady at the weight management center at the hospital where I had my surgery does this refried bean dip I'm thinking about trying.

Refried beans, with shredded cheddar cheese on top, heated in the microwave, then you add the salsa over it and eat it with crackers, tortilla chips, if making tacos put it in your taco with ground chicken, turkey.

Since I haven't tried the refried beans and cheese as of yet, this is going to be a test of will....Will I be able to keep it down!
T. Deeds
on 8/12/11 9:09 pm
Mmmm....I always keep a can of refried beans on my shelf in case I don't have anything else to make for dinner.  I LOVE Amy's organic Traditional flavor refried beans.  They have so much more flavor than the other kinds.


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