Day 20 and feeling like crap

on 8/15/11 5:01 pm - MN
So today is day 20 post op and I feel like things are starting to catch up with me.  I'm not sure what is going on and wondering if anyone has any thoughts?  These may or may not be related.

I have been pretty dizzy the last few days.  Not usually dizzy as in I have to faint, but dizzy as in my head is in the clouds and I can't seem to concentrate on much of anything.  I'm just operating in a fog.  I've had a few incidents where I felt like I was going to pass out but they were usually accompanied by diarhea and I'm assuming was some sort of dumping?  But I can't seem to explain this overall foggy feeling. 

I have also been getting really bad aches in my legs.  Mostly in my thighs but it is making it impossible for me to sleep.  Oddly, it feels much better when I am standing or moving.  When I am laying down, however, it just hurts and I want to lay there and groan.  Tylenol helps a little but not the best.  I have been walking a few days a week lately and thought it could be related but to be honest, it just doesn't feel like the "sore muscles from walking" kind of ache.  

I have been very good at meeting my 60+ grams of protein each day and meet my 64+ ounce liquid goal almost every day.  I have been taking a multi (although am switching, as this is not the best) and calcium citrate (but not nearly enough, as I just realized I need to take TEN citrical petites to meet the daily recs).  

I have also had some issues getting in more than 500 calories each day.  My doc didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal for now but I got a little concerned when I burned more calories on my walk today than I used eating.  Is this bad?  

Does anyone have any thoughts as to what might be going on?  It seems too early for a vitamin deficiency but I don't have any other explanation for it. I'm only 20 days out! 

Thanks ahead of time for any thoughts!
on 8/15/11 5:20 pm - CA
I had rny the day before you and am in a similar position

I haven't had any problems with food, have been meeting my fluid intake almost every day, that's been the hardest part.

As of about 3 days ago I started getting a little dizzy also, usually if I get up or move too fast etc. Have never had that feeling before but like I said 3 days ago I started to feel that.

No pain imy legs but my arms and legs fall asleep in just a few seconds of being in the wrong position. If I put my arm on the arm rest of my couch, it'll be asleep within a few seconds. Kind of strange.

I remember reading on here that the dizzy spells could be a result of low blood pressure?
on 8/15/11 5:26 pm - Powder Springs, GA
 Omg, I'm having trouble too. Not so much feeling weak as I am depressed. I vomited for the 1st time today and I cant eat anything. I also dump when I eat fruit or pudding.  We need to talk. Do you have yahoo instant messenger surgery buddy?
on 8/16/11 4:14 am - MN
on 8/16/11 4:16 am - MN
Hey Surgery buddy- Sorry you are having the same problems.  I do have yahoo instant messenger, too!  Send me your username and I'll add you!
on 8/15/11 5:46 pm - CA
This sounds like me back in April!

I was really miserable until about 2 months out. It really does take a long while to meet your goals for nutrition, but it will happen, just keep working on it. It WILL get better! 
Heidi L.
on 8/15/11 6:01 pm - San Jose, CA
RNY on 09/21/10 with
Restless Leg Syndrome, most likely. Magnesium and Vitamin B Deficiency. Would strongly suggest taking Milk of Magnesia and a sublingual Vitamin B daily. It should clear that up pretty quickly.

I'd love to know how you are getting in 60+ grams of protein and taking in less than 500 calories! I have to mix mine with at least half water, half skim milk.

Not sure about the brain fog. Are you still on narcotics?

Pre-op  260.8#...Surgery 242#...Current 190#...Lowest 166#...Goal 155.8#

on 8/16/11 4:28 am - MN

I was tested for restless leg when I had my sleep apnea test and they said I don't have it.  Could it have come on so suddenly?  I have only noticed it in the last week. 

As for my calories, my protein powder has 26 grams of protein per scoop and I usually have one shake a day with 1 scoop of protein and a cup of milk.  That's 34 grams of protein right there for 216 calories.  I've been trying to have an egg and some cottage cheese each day, too.  The cottage cheese has 12g protein and the egg has 6g.  Together that is 157 calories.  Add a chobani champion greek yogurt with 8 g of protein and 100 calories and I'm at 473 calories and 60 gramps of protein.  Depending on how I am feeling, I try to get a little more protein in but my average calories is between 450-700 each day.  I haven't managed to get over 700, though. 

No more narcotics, either.  I went off them almost right after coming home from the hospital 2 weeks ago. 

on 8/15/11 6:49 pm
I felt lousy for the first couple of months but especially the first month.  I felt dizzy a lot and had "brain fog" and woke up every day with a headache and was nauseous.  I also had the leg aches.  As far as the leg aches, low potassium can sometimes cause it.  In my case, my doc checked my labs and my potassium wasn't low, so she said it may have been mild dehydration, which may have also been contributing to my dizziness and brain fog.

It's great that you're getting in 64 oz of fluid so early out!   I know it's hard to get fluids in early out, but maybe your body is looking for more fluids (especially since it is the summertime).  It is early out for vitamin deficiencies, but you might want to get labs drawn to check your electrolytes such as potassium.

I know you've probably heard it a thousand times, but it really does get better after the first couple of months!  

Michelle    (OH member since 2004 - new user name)

HW 285 / SW 270 / GW 140 / LW 135 / CW 185

RNY 6/8/2009  
Starting size 26/28, now size 12/14

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  -Hebrews 13:8

on 8/15/11 9:46 pm - Fort Drum, NY
If you have BP issues make sure so it is being checked OFTEN.  My BP went down so fast post op they could not get me off my meds fast enough, so I had alot of dizziness, light headedness and general weakness and just feeling blah for at least a month post op.  Best of luck to you, hang in there, it is all worth it in the end!
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