10 days till surgery and now I might have to get the lapband!

on 8/19/11 11:28 pm - Gaithersburg, MD
 Find a surgeon who will do the RNY. I'm sure you can. In no way should you settle for a surgery you don't want. This is a big life changing thing that will stick with you forever. It is time to be picky.
Height - 5'8  - SW - 292/ CW - 177.6 /GW - 150 - BMI - 27.1 - 114.4 lbs lost!
"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore" Vincent Van Gogh
View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

on 8/19/11 11:47 pm
As a Lap-Band to RNY Conversion, I wouldn't advise the Lap-Band if you have had a history of Gastro problems.  It is one of the complications I had with the band.  I developed GERD two years after being banded which lead to serious esophagus problems.  The doctor that did my conversion told me since I had a history of reflux and gastro problems I should have never gotten banded.

If I were you I would find another bariatric surgery and seek a second opinion.  Don't rush into anything you aren't prepared for.  Take your time and make an educated decision, even if it pushes your surgery.  This is a life-altering decision and not to be taken lightly.

I wish you the best and somehow it will all work out.
       Lap-Band 4.11.08                                     RNY Revision 8.1.11
       HW 276/ SW 259/ LW 219                       HW 283/ CW 218
Sara L.
on 8/20/11 6:13 am
It sounds as if your doctor is looking after your health in the long run. If you have intestinal inflammation now, wouldn't the rny procedure put your intestines at more risk?
Are there other indicators for intestinal issues? My surgeon hasn't asked for a colonoscopy, why is yours?
If any of my tissue was inflamed, I would want it healed before the doctor started slicing and dicing.
Good luck, even if you have to get the band. You might be one of those people who would suffer with intestinal complications after rny and your doctor is looking after your future.
on 8/20/11 6:30 am
Save yourself, lapband is trouble. I have struggled for 2 years with the band.  Revising to RNY.  Looking back... I would say , no surgery is better than getting the band.
jennifer W.
on 8/25/11 6:01 pm
I'm getting my RNY! the surgeon approved me! My surgery is Monday and I am super excited
 HW: 365  SW: 342  CW: 182
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