fainting and nausea

on 8/23/11 6:21 am - Wingham, Canada
Hi I am in to the 2nd day of soft food and was feeling fine until this am when I thought I was going to faint and vomit! I have been walking cutting grass etc. because I was feeling so good. Today, a different storey. I wondered if it was the dumping, but it happened about 1hr after I had my 1/4 cup of watered down orange jucie. Anyone having any ideas. Also when I take a deep breathe my ribs hurt!
Kim H.
on 8/23/11 7:21 am - VA
RNY on 07/11/11 with
You might need to eat or have protein before doing exercise. I have been feeling shaky, nauseated, and dizzy if I do any exercise without eating/drinking just prior to doing it. Maybe you need to try that. As for the OJ my nutritionist has said to avoid juice since it has a lot of sugar and little fiber. I think it's a little long for dumping but I'm certainly not an expert. Try having a snack before your next activity and see if it helps. Feel better!
I am my own hero...I save myself one day, one meal, one bite, one choice, one challenge, one step at a time...
on 8/23/11 9:08 am - Trinity, AL
I was having a very similar experience. I noticed I wld do it everytime I was taking tylenol. Instead of taking my pain meds during the day I was using a childrens liquid tylenol jst to relieve a lil of the pain but it kept me from going to sleep like the prescription med did.  Anyways then I realized the childrens had sugar in it!!! So once my hubby got me adult sugar free liquid I stopped having that feeling,. It cld possibly b the OJ?!
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/11 11:37 am
Hypoglycemia - I just was dx with it... during physical exertion if I haven't had a good combo of protein and complex carbs first along with a good dose of h2o!  I have a meter now that I check my blood sugar levels and when I get the symptoms, (described above by all) I'm either really low or really high. It's not a problem you just have to figure out with your pcp or nut how to manage it for your own personal eating guidleines.  It feels crappy and scary...but, once you've got a handle on it you'll be fine.

** please see your doc about it though...don't just take the words of us fellow "bypassers" and self treat - you should let your doc know so he/she can rule out anything else...
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