stupid commercials.

on 8/25/11 10:57 pm
 I am normally at work and when I do watch TV it is all recorded. So I never watch comercials.  I did not relize how many there are anymore.  While most food does not look good anymore.  (still less than a week out) I found my self dreaming about food last night.  I have to believe it is from the comercials.  LOL
on 8/25/11 11:29 pm
hahaha,,i had visions of my self eating a mcdonalds meal and just chewing it and spitting it out,i never did that of course,,LOLOL,,that urge went away at about two weeks in,,i never realized how many food comercials there are on tv,,, now i look at them and think how n the world could i have eaten any of that stuff,lol,,i have no urge for processed foods
Kim S.
on 8/26/11 12:05 am - Helena, AL
I remember noticing how many there are too when I was home fresh from surgery.  I even dreamed I ate a Krispy Kreme donut.  Now, because you are so early out, none of that stuff looks good.  And right now you probably REALLY believe you'll NEVER want it again.  Unfortunately, that isn't the case. 

Over time, you'll want to try things you may now call "bad".  Just remember, food is food.  And when the time comes that you "can't live if you don't get a bite", it may be better to just have a taste and move on (that time is MUCH LATER ON-I was 99% compliant the entire 1st year until I hit goal).  Once you reach goal, you'll need to maintain for life.  To do that, you must have a healthy relationship with food and not live your life calling some foods "bad" or "evil". 

Strive to live life in maintenance with a healthy balance of food that is good for you, and some you want just for pleasure (I live by the 80/20 rule).  Also, a good fitness program is KEY to long term weight maintenance. 

Wishing you much success on your journey.

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