
jennifer W.
on 9/18/11 12:49 pm
I've had a headache for the last 3 days and tylenol just ain't cutting it. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm calling the Dr tomorrow but I'd love to be able to sleep tonight
 HW: 365  SW: 342  CW: 182
Inch by Inch's Life's a Cinch, Yard by Yard, Life's Hard - Dr.
Ale L.
on 9/18/11 1:00 pm
RNY on 03/08/11 with
 call the doctor...but you may want to try caffeine, claritin (it may be allergies), upping your water (to ensure your not dehydrated) or upping your protein (when i don't get enough protein it sometimes gives me really bad headaches).

good luck
on 9/18/11 1:07 pm

Hi Jennifer my name is Teri, or Tee.  Do you have a migraine?  I have those alot too and there are times when Tylenol just won't cut it.  I've had to go the ER for a shot of phinegran and something really, really strong.  That was the worse case scenario.

Sometimes when I am trying to sleep with that head pain, I can drink some peppermint/chamonile tea and take some Tylenol a little bit after that.  Usually the best thing that works though is to just take some deep breathes, put a warm eye pack or wash cloth over you eyes and try to just 'relax'.  I know it is easier said than done, but for a 'fix' to make it any better that helps me sometimes.  Usually after 3 days I've pretty much started to be taken to the ER.  Have you been able to sip something with caffeine? It is weird but caffeine can help a headache sometimes, not always but sometimes. 

Turn off the lights, get rid of sound, if you have glasses take them off and turn the TV and computer off.  I can lay flat on my back and just thing about breathing and it will sometimes take my mind off of the pain.  I know it is misery but take little tiny steps might make it better. 

Make sure you see you doc a.s.a.p.  I hope you feel better.  Maybe stop the Tylenol for a day or so, I have taken it and become sort of 'immune' to it and it just doesn't work and I get frustrated and then the headache would get worse.  Try a different approach.  I do hope you feel better. I have certainly been there, I've had to sit in the living room in sun glasses before - it does get better though.  Just try and relax.


jennifer W.
on 9/18/11 1:11 pm
I'm pretty sure its a migraine. I've had them in the past. I've not eatten a lot today due to the pain. Which I'm sure has not helped. I'm shutting everything off and getting a warm compress. Thanks ladies
 HW: 365  SW: 342  CW: 182
Inch by Inch's Life's a Cinch, Yard by Yard, Life's Hard - Dr.
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