Post Op Medications

Monique A.
on 9/26/11 4:15 pm
When I was in the hospital, they made me take my medication by crushing them--quite gross. I was wondering how long we need to do this or can I split them. It is way too much of a pain to take all the meds I am suppose to take plus the supplements if I have to crush them (yuck). Anyone else experience this post op adn/or for how long did you crush your meds? I am currently two weeks post op.
on 9/26/11 4:25 pm - OH
The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery says we can start swallowing pills whenever we can tolerate them.  I was swallowing pills in the hospital the same day I had surgery.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 9/26/11 5:21 pm - Manitoba, Canada
I was also swallowing my pills in the hospital and have had no problems with them. I just take one at a time instead of a whole handful. I did make the mistake and swallowed 3 at once and had no problems. 



surgeon's goal-170

my goal-135










on 9/26/11 8:00 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
even the large multivitamin and calcium tablets??  We were told in our pre-op class never to swallow a pill larger than an M&M....I would love not to have to crush them or buy liquids for forever.
on 9/27/11 1:59 am - OH
I don't know why you'd need to crush them forever.  A few weeks after surgery I had to take potassium pills for a while and they were HUGE so I cut them in half, but otherwise I could swallow any size pill.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Kat Kat
on 9/26/11 8:48 pm - AZ
OMG!! I had mine crushed the 1st day I was allowed anything by mouth which was 2 days after surgery. They were H-O-R-R-I-D!! I take a slew of them, so I feel your pain on this one. For me and remember we're all different, I took chewable Muti Vitamins and Calcium for the first 3 months. Those things seemed daunting in size. Now I take Centrum Silver ( Big, but much smaller than the chewables) Maybe I'm a sicko, but I like my calcium, so I still do chewables. I hear Calcet is good from this forum, so I might be switching soon. As for the others, and a couple of them are Big Boys... I take with my protein shake in the morning. By nighttime the othes seem to go down well with my before bed water.

Good Luck!



Jameen G.
on 9/26/11 10:15 pm - NC
I too took pills all through pre-op and post-op.  I never had a problem.  I just started taking the Citracal petites and as long as I take one at a time and put a minute between taking another one, they go down ok.  I never had to crush anything ...

 jameen (take a minute to smile ...)

Monique A.
on 9/27/11 7:03 am
Sounds like I should be able to at least cut them up.  So why are we unable to take them all together.......volume or our system's inability to process or absorb too many?  I have heard there are some vitamins and supplements you cannot take with others but if I had to take each med seperately, I would be swollowing pills all day long.
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