Did you have a first two weeks meltdow if so what was it

on 10/16/11 9:59 am
I had a meltdown a few nights ago. I was head hungry and in pain. My poor hubby was the witness of it and I threw a child like hussy fit. I wanted chewing gum even though you should chew it due to bloat and being stuck if you shallow it, I knew that but I was trying everything to get that gum and my hubby was so patient but I had a meltdown in Walgreen's over it and I was damning this surgery and saying the surgery sucks and its to drastic and dangerous why did I do this etc etc etc. I texted a few of my friends that had this done and asked them what their I can't believe I did this moment was. My one friend said she threw all the food out of the house and another said she was at her mom's and decided that she wanted a rod pretzel and she was going to have a rod pretzel she sucked on it until it was mush lol gross i know but 13 years later and a size small she didnt do so bad. I think we all have those moments.

Samantha L.
on 10/16/11 10:13 am - Petaluma, CA
 Three days after my surgery (so the day I came home from the hospital), my 19 year old decided she wanted to move back in and bought Hot Pocket Sliders.  The next day she ordered pizza.  The following day Taco Bell.  She doesn't usually eat that badly and it was KILLING me, so I went in my room and had a complete "Why is everyone torturing me and what was I thinking giving up all my favorite foods" meltdown.  I confronted her with my issue and her response was " *I* didn't have the surgery, YOU did."   That sucked, but she was right.  (She was having issues with my surgery.. she was afraid I would change and that it wouldn't feel the same to hug me.   Her issues didn't change the fact that she was right.)  I then had to deal with facing the fact that I would have to eat differently even though those around me did not.   That was probably the hardest part of the whole process for me.. that realization.  (You mean the world doesn't ACTUALLY revolve around me?!  What??)
15 months later, I am great.  My relationship with my daughter (all four of them actually) is great.  I realized that I didn't actually have to GIVE UP all of my favorite foods, just had to stop eating them by the pound.  (I was a complete fast food junkie).  I got control over my eating and don't regret a thing.  Good luck to you.. it will get better!  

on 10/16/11 10:30 am - Mesa, AZ
 I dont think I threw a hissy fit, but I sure did feel like it. The shakes were the hardest part to get through.  I wanted something that wasnt sweet so bad, that I bought some cheez whiz and had a spoonful. It made me dump. lol.   I never bought cheez whiz before, I never ate it before.. but man I was so sick of sweet shakes.  I confessed to my dr and now he thinks I have food addictions. If he brings it up at my next appt I may just give him a piece of my mind.  He thinks I feel tired because I am carb de-toxing and told me to lay off the junk. um ok, whatever.  i see him weds and he wants a 2 week journal of everything that went into my mouth including gum.  They never told me gum was off limits, so I was chewing a piece on my last visit, cuz I forgot to brush my teeth and didnt want stinky breath.   seriously though I was pretty ticked at him and even posted about it here. 

HW: 314 SW: 297 CW:166

on 10/16/11 10:38 am - NC
Mine was actually Thursday,  i went back to work on the preious Monday.  Had been coming home and literally going to bed for 2-3 hours then eating a lil and back to bed.  I worked 1/2 day thursday but felt like i had the flu, or i was afraid i was dehydrated.  Went to dr.  Had stomach bug, mildly dehydrated, nausea from stomach bug,  headache and a mini meltdown.  Doc point blank told hubby i had 24 hours to do better or i was to go to the ER for fluids. I was ok for then but if i kept on like i was i wouldnt be.  Well, i also had a 16 page research paper due by midnight on friday...........no time for ER or the 6 hour nap that the phenagrin shot  she gave me brought on.  I started drinking whatever i could get to swallow, and crying.  Looked at DH and i said, what have i done to myself, why did i do this, i'm not gonna be healthy im gonna be sick, and oh man at the pity party plethera of other stuff that came flying out.  Then the love of my life says,  you did this for your health, you did it for us, now hush aand keep drinking.  OR were going to the ER now.  Tough love? i guess, but i hushed and kept drinking.....no ER and paper was done.  i feel much better today.  back to work in the am.  lets hope for an uneventful week.
dori M.
on 10/16/11 11:43 am - MD
I have been so focused on the physical changes that will come after surgery I never thought about the emotional. Kudos to ur hubby for being so supportive when you need it. I hope im not too much of a basket case post op. We'll see!

on 10/16/11 1:02 pm - OR
Oh my goodness!  You are not alone.  I totally had a melt down on day six!!  I was so overwhelmed and emotional that I had given up every single one of my vices (food, smoking, drinking, coffee) and all for what....pain, tons of medications, not pooping, being stuck home and starving and can't do anything and the scale hadn't gone down past where I was before surgery!!!  I had a total pity party!!!  Then the next couple of days the scale moved and I started to feel better and I could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel again....been happy ever since.  I really had to let myself mourn all the things that I had relied on to give me comfort in the past.  Thank God for my best friend and mom for all their support and understanding!  Hang in there!  It gets better. 
T. Deeds
on 10/16/11 9:24 pm
Haha, I had multiple melt-downs in the first month after my surgery!  My first one was on day three after my surgery when I was still in the hospital and having multiple x-rays due to an obstruction.  I came back to my room after something like my 5th x-ray and the nurse and my best friend were waiting for me.  The first thing out of the nurse's mouth was, "How did it go?"  It hadn't gone well and I just lost it.  I was sobbing hysterically and complaining about how I wanted to go home, that I looked so ugly in my hospital gown, how there were prisoners being housed on my floor, I didn't want to have another surgery and I just wanted to drink some water.  I was a mess.  I finally pulled myself together and went for a walk with my friend, then my surgeon came and found me while I was walking and then I broke down again and had a second melt-down in front of my surgeon about the same things, lol!   Can you imagine, I was complaining to my surgeon about how ugly I looked in my hospital gown?! lol

Anyway, the first month is the hardest, but things will get much, much better!  You just have to make it through this difficult time.  :)


(deactivated member)
on 10/17/11 1:33 am - Rushville, NY
I'm recently post-op and have had a few melt downs.  I have sat on my couch and mourned chinese take out food  - I mean I cried and grieved like someone had died.  I also had a complete temper tantrum when someone in my house (there are still no confessions) ate my sugar free chocolate fudge pudding.  Of all things, someone had to eat one of the FOUR things that I could actually eat?!?!  I ended up breaking melmac bowls on the counter from slamming them so hard, and I don't know if you know anything about melmac, but that stuff can take a beating!  I've also done the - "that's it, I'm not eating anymore, I'm going to starve to death" thing.  I'm hoping that a lot of this emotional crap is from hormonal changes in our bodies.  Or it could be that I'm a complete psycho, lol.  Either way, my dear husband is holding up well, and has not moved out.  YET. lol  Oh and did I mention that my first day home from the hospital my husband made grilled cheese for the kids for dinner, and I walked up to my nine year old daughter and asked her if I could LICK her sandwhich.  When she looked at me like I had several screws loose, I promised her I wouldn't bite it, just lick it.  My husband insisted I be out of the house walking at dinner times after that until I could eat something more substantial.  lol
on 10/17/11 1:36 am - Baltimore, MD
Two weeks? Try day four!

Wherein I awaken to my stepdad frying bacon (I was staying with my mom to recoup) and I dragged my never-been-operated on, had-a-hernia-repair-and-thus-could-ONLY-walk-with-a-walker-and-even-then-it-hurt-like-hell self to the top of the steps and yelled as loud as I could manage (cuz that hurt too), "WHO THE HELL IS FRYING EFFING BACON???"

To this day the man is still afraid to eat in front of me. Poor thing.
on 10/17/11 9:29 am
Crying because 2 oz of yogurt took an hour to eat and tasted like crap. Big ugly weeping cry.


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