Who knew I could ever struggle with not eating enough?!?

on 10/23/11 3:21 am - MA
I am almost 4 weeks post op and every day has been a struggle to get my liquid and protein in.  I average about 36 oz of fluids a day and maybe 30 grams of protein on a good day.  Protein shakes make me sick and food in general doesn't appeal to me so much.  I am scared of forcing myself and ending up vomiting, which is strongly advised against by the doctor.  All of my paperwork and meal plans say, "DO NOT VOMIT."  As if this is something people do for fun . . .

Anyway, I've noticed that I've stopped losing weight.  The scale hasn't moved at all in over a week, whereas before this I was losing 2 pounds a day.  I guess I got spoiled.  I am exercising, perhaps not as much as I should be but approximately 25 minutes a day 4 times a week.

So I'm wondering if the weight loss has stopped because I am not eating enough?  I find it all so ironic.  Before surgery I couldn't lose weight because I ate too much and now post surgery I have stopped losing weight because I eat too little.

I am destined to be fat for eternity!  LOL
Stephanie M.
on 10/23/11 3:30 am - Los Angeles, CA
 LOL you are not destined to be fat, this is a learning process! 
Our bodies are now new to us again, so we have to learn what works.
It is very possible that you are not eating enough, but you NEED to make sure to get your liquids in and drink protein, because that can cause serious problems if you're not. So definately try to up that.
for me, I wasn't eating any carbs (apart from veggies) and so my weight loss stopped. It could be that I wasn't eating enough calories, but for some reason, when I added them back into my diet (in moderation), my weight loss started up again. So try adding in at least some calories from protein drinks, and that may help.
good luck!
on 10/23/11 4:52 am
You and I must be having the same day. This morning I yelled at my scale because I'm walking a mile everyday and doing some exercises with weights and my scale won't move. My surgery was Oct 5th at first the weight melted off now not so much. Unfortunately I have not got sick I don't think I'm eating too much I do struggle with fluids and the protein shakes don't go down so well.
It's really frustrating that I'm not losing I've decided not to weigh for a week because I didn't go this far to let myself down. I'm still learning I've bounced from diahrea to constipation both uncomfortable but I tried to take my calcium like I'm suppose to and that was not working for me since I wasn't doing much fiber.
So today I send you happy thoughts and hope we find a little humor in our learning curve.
Dave Chambers
on 10/23/11 4:54 am - Mira Loma, CA
Stalls, temporary wt loss stoppage, happens to post ops.  Lack of appetite as an early post op is not uncommon. Nausea, issues with eating, etc. cause you mental anxiety over whether  what you eat will be ok. You should really try to eat something the first 30 minutes after you get up from sleeping.  It's not common, but there are a select few post ops who still have this "lack of remembering to eat" even at over 2 years.  Timers may be needed to help remind you to eat a meal, drink water ever 15 minutes, take pills, etc.  Just small bites slowly, chew well, don't drink with meals, and time will help you over this issue. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

on 10/23/11 6:11 am, edited 10/23/11 6:11 am - Fountain City, WI
thanks for posting this.. I too am having the same thing. I am getting my daily protein shakes in but have had to force myself to eat. I havent lost a pound in about a week and a half.. All these responses are much appreciated as I have wondered if I am not losing weight for the same reason. Im also minimally exercising. My surgery date was Oct 3rd  and i lost about 25lbs but have been stuck. I chalked it up to the 3 week stall but was still curious.. thanks again for all the help
on 10/23/11 8:58 am - NY
 I am a little over 4 weeks out now, and still am not getting my fluids in. It doesnt seem to matter what I do, I cant get them in. Its frustrating! 

I also am not getting my protein in, but have found I can make my protein shakes more interesting, and can get about 40g of protein in for one meal - and then, if needed, one more later with 23g of protein - My doctor wants me to get in 90g a day - it isnt working yet. My fingers are crossed!! 

I hit the 3 week stall... it lasted 2 weeks. Nothing worked. I figured sooner or later the weight would come off. The stall just started to lift this past week - I lost about 5 pounds this week. Hang in there - it will pass!!

I wish you luck in your ventures - I know it is hard, but I have heard it gets better, and easier.
on 10/24/11 6:32 am - MA
Thanks for the feedback everyone.  It is really helpful to be able to vent and be told that you are, despite all of your self criticism, normal!  I am going to keep on plugging away at those proteins and liquids and hopefully my scale will respond in the near future!
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