feeling hungry

Price S.
on 11/18/11 8:17 am - Mills River, NC
yes, that is crazy.  I'm sure he did the bypass

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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Kermit P.
on 11/18/11 9:26 am
I felt hunger within a month out of surgery.  The good thing is I also felt fullness and was full and satisfied with the smaller amounts.  I still feel hunger often......it is a challenge and I do resent those that are never hungry (nothing personal against them, I just wish sometimes I had that too!).  I ate every 2-3 hrs when early out and still do.  And when I say ate, that may be a protein shake or 2-3 oz of food.....depending on where I was in my plan.  I still do shakes or protein coffee usually 2 times a day as a "meal".  Good luck!  The surgery did happen; I will tell you that life got MUCH better once I progressed to pureed foods.  TRULY!!!!

HW/232       CW/145.2       GW/???
on 11/18/11 11:05 am
 I felt the same way!  It was like the ON switch was turned back on.  For two weeks, no hunger.  Then BAM there is was.  I've thought that too... what if they forgot the bypass part and just fixed my hernia??  I'm four, almost five weeks now.  Started soft foods this week.  Still hungry but I do think I'm finally starting to feel full on small amounts of food.  I don't pu**** and eat only what I'm supposed to.  The other frustrating thing is that I am following the rules and the scale isn't moving.

Sorry don't mean to scare you or bum you out, just wanted you to know you're not alone.  The old pros at this all say it will get better.  The scale will move.  You will feel full.  Gotta just be patient I guess.
on 11/18/11 2:49 pm - MN
 same here..i have OFTEN wondered if they did this supposed bypass....lol  I got my hunger back about 7 weeks out.  My pouch or whatever even growls and makes noise.  But i can't eat what i used to eat.  Thats my only indication i had the bypass.  ha!!   I CAN eat a good amount..1/2 cup to a cup..of food.  Normally i eat my 3 or 4 oz of meat/poulty or whatever and then like 1/4 cup or a bit more of vegies.  But within about 3 hours i start getting hungry again.  I have found if i just drink that fills me up.  I usually eat 3 meals a day plus a snack at night.  Sometimes i have a small snack in the afternoon but usually only if i am at work and my dinner will be later.  

Laurie says:  Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind  ~~~ dr. suess

on 11/19/11 12:34 am
yes.. my pouch or something growls too. lol,, next week i start my pureed, but im acually gonna eat eggs, cottage cheese, farina, and a fish fillet. which is has to be very fine. i can do that. i just cant see puree a meat into juice lol..yuke. i thougth maybe i wasnt using enough protien powder in each 3 oz so im supposed to have 90grams a day or protien powder so im just going to fill my scoop and make sure i divide it thorugh the day. maybe that will help wo wiht hunger, lol, i have no pain i feel good, just altille tired still. my hyalaly hernia was one of the worse my surgeon has seen, i was always out of breath and just thought my weight was the issue but he told me 1/3 of my stomach was in my diaphram, this surgery saved my life. i was out of breath even bending over to pck up something on the floor. but now, what a diffenerce. i can acually feel air going into my lungs, and i can put on my socks with out breathing issue. its just amaziing. but sometimes i was feeling like i never had the bypass, and just the hernia was fixed and they just said, aaa let her just think we did it lol.. i know it crazy but i think that sometimes. lol best of luck to you all as well . :)
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