Having a meltdown.

on 12/26/11 2:00 am, edited 12/26/11 2:34 am - Graham, WA
In danger of getting highly emotional here!  My doctor says I can't drink pre-mixed protein drinks, and I have to mix the powder with only 4 ounces of water. This just turns my stomach.  I start feeling sick about an hour before just thinking about it.  My vitamins and calcium also are a punishment to take, but I bought them all pre-surgery from Celebrate and they were kind of ecpensive.  Every day it gets worse.  But if I dont drink/eat the protein or dink enough water I don't lose any weight.  I'm not supposed to eat even pureed food until Januray 19.  I think it seems more like a food aversion program.  I know I need my protein, and my vitamins, but my stomach is in constant duress.  How do I follow my doctors orders and still have some quality time I don't feel like crap?!  Help!
on 12/26/11 2:29 am - Graham, WA
on 12/26/11 2:34 am - WI
I am not one to go against doctors orders, but in this case I would say if you are totally tollerating the pre-mixed drinks then that is what you should drink.  I have never mixed any powder with water either.  It has always been milk for me.  And that was even rough.
Are your vitamins too big feeling right now?  What isn't working with those? 
Keep up on your fluids and protein.

on 12/26/11 2:40 am - Graham, WA
Thank you for responding. The vitamins are big, but they are chewable.  They are aweful and I have to take so many.  I maybe could handle chewing one.  Maybe I could spread them out threw the day instead of taking 3 at a time?  My doctor says no milk ever for the rest of my life.  I just can't get my stomach to settle.  I have a bunch of pre made protein drinks I bought before I knew the surgeon didn't want me to have them,  He says they are to thin and all the protein doesn't get absorbed. 
on 12/26/11 3:08 am - OH
You should not be taking the vitamins all at one time anyway.  We can only absorb 500 mg calcium at a time.  It must be spread out.

The protein doesn't get absorbed because they are too thin?  Um, he is wrong.  What kind of protein is it?  If it is whey isolate or whey concentrate or soy isolate, it gets absorbed.  It does not matter if it is thick or thin.  Sounds like your doc doesn't know much about nutrition.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 12/26/11 3:27 am - Graham, WA
Thanks.  Wow, I didn't know that about the vitamins.  Is it the same for calcium?  I have been using Nectar protein powder. It ahs everything he said was needed.  As a drink it's not bad.  As a thick goopy mess it's horrible.
Liz J.
on 12/26/11 6:37 am - Woonsocket, RI
If your dealing with a thick goopy mess I would suggest putting it in a cup with a cover and shaking the crap out of it. You can then pour it into what ever you want to drink it out of.
on 12/26/11 10:16 am - WI
Kelly is right about the vitamins.
No milk ever?  That is crazy talk.  It is a great source of protein and calcium.  In my plan it is a requirement to have 16 oz a day.

on 12/26/11 2:34 am - GA
I had my surg on 12/1/11. The first week I was on a clear liquid diet and the next two weeks full liquid. whi*****luded pre mixed protein drinks mixed with water. They are not bad I got them from Bariatic Advantage. I could also have soup as long as I strained it. Mushroom, Cream of chicken, etc. You can have yogurt (not the one with fruit on bottom). Then after 3 weeks I had pureed fruit-yea I love my scrambled eggs!
Buy the book Weight Loss Surgery for dummies. It really helped me.
on 12/26/11 2:46 am - Graham, WA
Thanks for the response.  I can have broth and jello.  My stomach just won't settle,  After the vitamins and protein, it's pretty angry. Water is a challange.  I tried protein jello yesterday thinking that  may be an answer.  It was so horrible!  I read about all these other people who are losing and get to have so much more than I can and they are losing and doing good.
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