God d@#$ cat!!!!

on 12/29/11 6:58 pm - MN
So last night while I was relaxing on my couch talking on the phone my cat was laying on my stomach. Usually this is no big deal to me. Well...my cat decides she wants to lay on the back of the couch and uses my tummy as a launching pad, again, usually no big deal..... Monday I had my gallbladder removed and her hind paw is on one of my incisions as she jumps. I scream pretty much cuz it hurt like hell! Fast forward a few hours and its very sore and tender. I had to take another of my painkillers cuz the pain woke me up when I moved.

Think she could of done any damage? She weighs around ten pounds. If I'm more sore than now in a few hours I'm calling the clinic when they open.
on 12/29/11 7:16 pm
RNY on 02/28/12
Hopefully she didn't do any damage but I agree to calling the clinic if the pain is increasing.  Also, just keep an eye on the incision over the next few days and make note if there is any increase in redness or discharge.  Cat scratches can get infected and if she scratched at one of the incisions when she launched it could become infected too.  Hopefully all will be ok...they do seem quite unconcerned about our comfort don't they :/
WhoIWantToBe *.
on 12/29/11 7:41 pm
RNY on 01/10/12
 Yeow!  That's all I've got.
on 12/30/11 4:10 am - MN
Barb- you're right! It hurt like hell when it happened! My mom was on the other end of the phone and she said she could hear the pain in my voice. She thought I had ripped or injured my incisions horribly somehow. I'm so glad it didn't start hurting more than it did this morning. Thank god I asked for a refill on my painkillers
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