Any thoughts on Biotin???

Lisa S.
on 1/18/12 1:44 am - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
I am paranoid about hair loss. (I am still pre op). I have added 800mcg of Folic Acid to my vitamin regimen. I have noticed stronger, thicker fingernails. But what about biotin??? And if I add it, how much??



Lisa R.
on 1/18/12 1:52 am - CA
 Hair loss happens and no amount of Biotin or anything you take.  It is good to make sure your protein is high and your have all your vitamins in everyday, that might slow it down a bit.  But some people lose lots of hair, some none at all.

Biotin only helps with regrowth, not the loss.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 1/18/12 1:52 am
 I started taking bioton 2 mths before surgery, and I havnt had any noticable hair loss I think whats more important tho is getting your protein. 

Good luck on your journey
on 1/18/12 2:12 am - Grain Valley, MO
I started taking Biotin prior to surgery but it did nothing for me.  About 3 months after surgery, my hair was getting thinner and thinner.  My hair is short but I could see my scalp in front.  I bought a couple of wigs.  My hair started coming back about 3 months later.  Now, my hair is the best it's been in years. 

I take the Hair Formula from Bariatric Eating and it has made a huge difference in my hair and nails.  However, it doesn't know to only put hair on your head so keep your tweezers handy or waxing or whatever you need for your face....LOL


RNY: July 8, 2008

Dr. John Price

Kansas City, MO

on 1/18/12 2:55 am
RNY on 12/27/11 with
 The Sublingual B-12 I take and have been taking since way before thoughts of surgery (maybe 7 years ago) has Folic Acid, B-6, and Biotin in it. My hair has grown A LOT since then. My nails are thicker and stronger. It worked for me and couldn't hurt to be added to your regimen. You just have to take it everyday. Since mine is mixed in with my B-12, its easy for me to take. 
on 1/18/12 3:30 am
RNY on 05/22/12
I am preop also with similar concerns so I started on 1 biotin a day I think it's 1000 mg or mcg however it comes. I figure it couldn't hurt, every person reacts differently to the surgery. Plus I'm trying to get used to taking so many supplements in advance.
RNY 5/22/12 lost pre-op      
on 1/18/12 3:53 am - Evangeline , LA
I take AG PRO

wonderful! All the little elderly takes it here in town!
Brenda C.
on 1/18/12 4:07 am
I took Biotin before & take it after surgery - I am 14 months out, and still have LOTS of hair.  You will lose some hair, but YOU can prevent it with GOOD nutrition.  LOTS of protein, lots of supplements, and you will be fine.  Go look at my photo album if you need reasurance ;)

Just got a call, my blood looks great, so make sure you take your vitamins daily ;)
Brenda : )~
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/18/12 4:11 pm - OH
 Sorry, but you are incorrect in saying that RNYers can prevent the hair loss with good nutrition. That's simply NOT true.  Yes, NOT getting enough protein and/or having vitamin deficiencies can make the hair loss WORSE, but there are many, many people who get ALL of their protein and vitamins in almost from Day One post-op but still lose a LOT of hair.

Just because YOU did not does NOT make it true for everyone.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Brenda C.
on 1/19/12 2:49 am
On January 19, 2012 at 12:11 AM Pacific Time, ****rogirl wrote:
 Sorry, but you are incorrect in saying that RNYers can prevent the hair loss with good nutrition. That's simply NOT true.  Yes, NOT getting enough protein and/or having vitamin deficiencies can make the hair loss WORSE, but there are many, many people who get ALL of their protein and vitamins in almost from Day One post-op but still lose a LOT of hair.

Just because YOU did not does NOT make it true for everyone.

In my SECOND sentence, I stated, "You will lose hair..." So, I NEVER said it can be prevented, but it can be LESSENED.  I lost SOME hair, but not much.  I believe it was the "preventative" taking of supplements way before (building up my nutrient bank, so to speak) that my hair did not start shedding until around month 7, and was done a month later.  Then again, I also use non-sulfate shampoo, so that could also have contributed.

I swim 5 days a week, so the chlorine alone is hard on my hair.  I am 14 months out and have a very full head of hair - and it is long.  You WILL lose hair, but your diet will help determine HOW MUCH.
Brenda : )~
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