11 Day Plateau?

on 1/21/12 12:04 am - Liverpool, NY
Hi all.  Had RNY on 1/10 and have been losing weight every day since.  I am down a total of 21 lbs. in 11 days, which is great.  But, yesterday when I weighed myself, I was down 22 lbs.  I have no idea how I would gain weight from yesterday to today.  Is this something I should worry about?  Obviously, I made a huge commitment to re-working my anatomy and am hoping I haven't hit a wall already.  If some of you all could chime in on whether this is normal, I'd appreciate it.  Thank you. 
Lisa R.
on 1/21/12 12:13 am - CA
 This is normal, don't freak out.  21 pounds in 11 days is amazing.

This WL is not a down hill slope, it is more like stairs, you lose some you level off, then you lose more and you level off. 

When you get out past 6 months the weight loss really slows down and hit real stalls, like I have not lost anything in almost 2 months.  But you stick to the program and you accept that fact that this is how it works.  

I know the first time you see if happen is hard.  But just settle into this and go with the flow, as long as to stick to your program and weight will come off, it is almost impossible for it not to
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 1/21/12 12:37 am - Liverpool, NY
Thank you.  I appreciate your encouragement.  The problem is - I'm not sure I have a program to follow.  The RD I've worked with has been fantastic, and right now I'm in "Stage 2" (soft foods).  But, I haven't been necessarily told that I need to completely eliminate carbs, certain foods, etc. when I'm back to eating normal foods.  I know some folks all but eliminate carbs.  Did your Doctor give you a specific program to follow?  
Lisa R.
on 1/21/12 1:04 am - CA
 Not at all.  He gave me a half sheet of paper and told me to eat soft foods for a month.  So I ate Veggie re fried bean, tuna with a bit of low fat mayo, cottage cheese yogurt, any soft cheese, eggs (mostly scrambled) protein shakes, milk.  It gets old, but you need to have to time to heal.

Then in a month he gave me another paper and said eat whatever you want except grapes, beef and pork.  Wow, I thought that was a bit broad.  So I just added one thing in at a time. 

He did say no pasta, bread, cracker, popcorn, pretzels or candy EVER.  

Just be careful with portion size.  That is your biggest concern now.  You don't get a full feeling as your nerves were cut and don't register a full feeling so it is easy to over eat.  Measure your portions, at this stage you should be a 2 to 3 ounces at a time.  Wait 2 hours between meals so you don't over eat and end up grazing.  If you feel hungry between meals drink warm liquids or drink something. Your body may register thirst as hunger.  

I weigh in every morning.  Some people never weigh.  It is up to you.  I need to know, I need the accountability.  Find out what you need and make it work for you.

The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. ~ Ayn Rand        
on 1/21/12 2:46 am - OH
I'm glad you have not been told to eliminate all carbs, since that would be almost impossible and you need some carbs in yoru diet in order for your brain to function.  But if you're not sure what plan you should be following, contact your RD and ask for more information.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/21/12 1:01 am - OH
It's normal for your weight to fluctuate from day to day.  Maybe you are retaining some water or maybe you need to poop.  If it stresses you out, stay off the scale.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/21/12 1:18 am - Baltimore, MD
To add to what others have said, don't fret over a seeming 'one pound gain." Just for the sake of curiosity I once weighed before and after a BIG poo. I weighed two pounds less after. Not all weight is fat.
on 1/21/12 2:39 am - Liverpool, NY
You guys are all so nice.  Thank you!  I thought I had mentally prepared myself for the lifestyle change, but I'm not sure there is any way to completely prepare yourself for this.  I'm doing my best but sort of feel like a man without a country - I never realized how large a part of my life food was.  My wife and I used to go to dinner every Friday night, and last night, I was eating 2oz. of mashed potatoes with a baby spoon for dinner.  I guess I just need to stay mentally strong and understand that the ups far outweigh the downs.  I'm glad I found this site.
on 1/21/12 2:48 am - West Chester, PA
 ugh i wish. i gain like 5 lbs when i need to go and it doesn't come off for a day. then again my body just sucks and i hardly go no matter what i take/eat/do

                                                                       <3 jen <3


                                    <3 starting weight: 252 <3 goal weight: 135 <3 current weight: 151 <3

                                      RNY: 9/27/10 <3 Extended Tummy Tuck w/hip & thigh lipo: 6/6/13

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