
on 1/22/12 1:12 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 01/09/12
 So today begins my pureed foods portion of my post op diet. I am officially 2 weeks post op! I can drink water and soup with complete ease and I am afraid that I wont lose the weight if I can eat as well as I can drink! Did Anyone else feel this way??
on 1/22/12 1:24 pm - OH
You are supposed to be able to drink with ease.  Lucky you, you aren't having any complications so far.  And if your luck continues, you will not have any complications in the future and will be able to eat easily, too. 

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/22/12 1:25 pm
Its funny I still kind of feel that way. I am struggling with alcohol now after having RNY 3 years ago. I just kept drinking and drinking and feeling it was ok because I was so afraid of eating normally. ( that is not by any stretch the only reason I drank or couldn't stop drinking ) Anyway...Everytime that I reach a milestone that I can eat something a little more now than I could before scares the crap out of me. I would just keep taking to your dietician and follow what they say. Attend any support groups that you can and always be honest. I would also keep a very accurate food journal. Its amazing to see what you eat each day when you write it down. This becomes even more important as move along in your journey.
   Its great that you brought this up here. As you must've read a thousand times here, just make sure you eat your protien first and try and get all of your fluids in. Having this surgery is the best thing I've ever done for myself. Again to answer your question I certainly have felt the way you are feeling now and I"m sure there are countless others that feel the same of luck

 If your going to pee with the puppies you can't run with the big dogs....
sw 373  cw 185  goal 185


on 1/22/12 3:33 pm - TX
I did feel that way, I worried adding things to my diet would negatively impact weight loss. However, the main thing right now is that you are still healing your stomach. You're not really focused on the weight loss-it's happening because the diet you need to heal your stomach.

Keep focusing on healing because it pays off big time in the end. I was on a full liquid diet for six weeks and when I finally did transition, I was healed and really ready to accept more complex foods. I am thankful my doctor did not rush me into complex foods at a faster rate because I feel I've had fewer problems.

Follow your surgeon's recommendations and you should be fine.

on 1/22/12 9:05 pm
Most post-ops have no trouble incorporating food into their diet.  Follow your doctor's instructions and you should be fine. 



on 1/22/12 10:30 pm
I never had a problem with any foods and im 7 mos post-op.Only foods high in sugar wich i avoid!
on 1/22/12 10:51 pm
Yes, I felt that way (and still do sometimes).  I feel I could guzzle down an entire bottle of water in a minute or two (though I don't).  Makes me wonder if I will be able to eat as well and quickly (still on soft foods stage).  Guess we just have to be mindful to take our time and eat properly.

RNY 12/20/2011

on 1/22/12 10:59 pm - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 01/09/12
 Wow, Thanks so much EVERYONE! I feel a little more at ease this morning knowing I'm not the only one who has ever felt this way! It's amazing how much this worried me and to know someone else felt this was and was still successful along their own wlsj is inspirational! Thanks Again Everyone!!
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