
Cecilia W.
on 2/2/12 12:18 pm - Northport, AL
RNY on 02/06/12
I know this topic has been posted ad nauseum on here, but now I guess it's my turn!

My surgery is on Monday and I have to admit that I have actually had nightmares about things that could go wrong with the surgery. I know I will probably be laughing a week from now over these jitters, but can't really help them now.  I have been cleaning like a mad woman, trying to get things ready, and at the same time trying to keep my mind off what's to come.  Anyone have any suggestions other than me getting plastered the entire weekend? (I'm kidding about that, I don't drink)
on 2/2/12 12:24 pm
Just keep busy. Sounds like you've been doing that.  Spend some time
getting recipes together for the various stages. Nik has some awesome
protein drink recipes (and others) on Bariatric Foodie, as well as her
amazing Miranda story you can follow.  I put a 3-ring binder together
during the days before surgery and put my vitamin regimen in it and
recipes.  I still use that binder from time to time and it re-focused my
energy during the jittery days before surgery.  Good luck!

Cecilia W.
on 2/2/12 1:06 pm - Northport, AL
RNY on 02/06/12
Thanks for the suggestions Miss Jan. I really have been trying to keep busy. My only question is what do I do when I don't have anything more to clean??? Anyone want a free housekeeper for the weekend? 
on 2/2/12 1:27 pm
I hear you there. I'm a "boredom" eater. I have to be busy all the time.
You would not even believe how often I have been known to sweep
and mop floors and clean my house from top to bottom.  There aren't
any calories involved!  House clean, floors done, windows done,
dusting done, beds made, laundry done, cooking done, still bored?
I start all over.  I've baked all night before and hauled cookies
and cakes to the kids next door. My freezer is full of home-made soups
and stews for grab and go lunches for work. Over the year since I had
surgery I've painted my entire house inside from ceilings to floors. That's
done. I start crafts now and again, anything....as long as I have something
to do.  I blame it on raising 5 daughters.  The youngest will be 20 this Summer
so I'm trying to fill all that "mothering" time with something else.  I've
been raising kids for more than 35 years (kinda strung out the last one).
So, I acquired 2 dogs and a cat. The newest dog is young and large and
needs quite a bit of attention so between all that and a full-time demanding
job, you'd think I'd have quite enough to do, wouldn't you?  sigh
It just gets better with all the boundless energy you'll have after surgery.
Anyway, the worrying is really normal. I wish you well and hope the weekend
flies by.  Before you know it, you'll be on this side with a whole new set of
worries....vitamins and protein and bags of clothes that are too big! 
Good luck my dear!  Let us know how you're getting along.

Cecilia W.
on 2/2/12 2:20 pm - Northport, AL
RNY on 02/06/12
Thank you so much Jan! Cleaning seems to be the one thing that I do that makes me feel better. Plus I have 2 house bunnies that keep me on my toes (no human children yet..maybe in a year or two)!

I will definitely post as soon as I can after surgery to let everyone know that my fears were unwarranted!
on 2/2/12 2:31 pm
Enjoy the jitters...its all part of it.  Your getting a second chance.  Savor all of this!  Good luck to you!! 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



Kenny B.
on 2/2/12 4:48 pm - Leland, NC
RNY on 01/30/12
You'll  be fine, I just have my surgery this past Monday. I'll say a prayer for ya.

Kenny B.
Philippians 4;6-7

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Heidi T.
on 2/2/12 9:34 pm
RNY on 01/31/12
 You can go to my profile and read my posts, I was a mess.  I found comfort in knowledge, I read everything thing that I could, I read blogs, scoured the internet, called my surgeon, and spoke with my husband about my fears.  I needed extra support and love prior to surgery. I really think that it was because I had already lost my coping mechanism, food.  I aslo found going for walks to be helpful. I am simply four days out, I feel great minor pain, not even taking meds. Sit down make a list of all the reasons why you are having this surgery, then write down the things that you will miss (food). This write another list of all of the things that you will be able to accompish with like ater this procedure.  This worked well for me. Its hard to give up an old and always there for you friend(food), however it is exciting to see what you are going to gain (freedom).  For me the what I was giving up list was far less important than what I was going to gain.

Hope it helps you, truth is it did help me quit a bit, yet I still was soo scared going to in to the procedure, it is surgery.

  rny 1/30/12              
On 1/30/12 I begain my new healthier life, it is not easy, but day by day I will reach my goals.                
on 2/2/12 11:03 pm - MD
Being nervous is normal! No worries all will go well and it will literally be over before you know it! Honestly, I went into to the OR and feel like I woke up in no time! I too made a 3 ring binder of everything I needed and I still have it with me daily to make sure I am on track! My Mom was with me the weekend before so she distracted me by doing our last minute Christmas shopping and walking on the beach. Oh and it is Superbowl weekend, so watch the commercials!

You will do great!

on 2/3/12 1:39 am
 I don't have many suggestions for you...just wanted to give you support! It's completely normal to be nervous going in. I was so nervous originally. It hasn't been smooth sailing since then, not by any means (you can read my blog for all the "fun" I went through), but I would go through it all again if I were given the choice. Try cleaning, reading books, gathering recipes, watch movies, read through the forums on here...you can do this! Your life is just about to truly begin!

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