Do you regret anything???

on 2/10/12 7:48 am

My insurance company requires that I see my surgeon for 6 months prior to surgery, and I just had my last appointment with him a few weeks ago.  I know that my insurance company does not cover the VSG at all, but they cover the bypass 100%.  The first few months that I was seeing my surgeon, I was planning on having him submit for the VSG, and going through the appeal process.  But then I started reading more about the RNY, and thought that might be a better option since I have about 130 lbs to lose.  And after doing my 6 month pre-op visits, I don't know if I want to wait another 2 months for the appeal process, just to possibly get denied.  So my question goes out to those that have already had surgery..... is there anything you regret about having your surgery?  And would you have chosen another surgery if you had the option?

Thanks in advance!!

on 2/10/12 7:50 am - OH
I don't regret having RNY at all, but I would have chosen VSG if it had been an option for me so I could continue to take NSAIDS for my back problems.  I also have reactive hypoglycemia now, which seems to be pretty common a couple years out from RNY, and I don't believe it's a common problem after VSG.  Despite those things, though, I'm very happy with my surgery.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/10/12 7:54 am - Royal Oak, MI
I too would have to agree not be able to take NSAIDS is an inconvenience, but not a regret. I'm quite happy.

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on 2/10/12 7:55 am
I don't regret a thing. I had a very easy time, breezed through surgery at age 57,
and am doing fine post-op. I've lost about 100 lbs from my highest weight
before surgery and I feel like a million bucks. Diabetes is gone, high blood
pressure and high cholesterol are gone....I have the energy of my teenage
daughter.  I can eat anything, although I choose not to eat a number of things.
I still have to work hard at weight and think about food and health choices and
likely always will. The beautiful part is that the hard work actually gets me
somewhere's not like pre-op dieting and exercising to lose half a
pound in 6 months.  I've been blessed.  Good luck with your decision!

Barb H.
on 2/10/12 11:03 am - Kailua-Kona, HI
Revision on 01/25/12
Jan, you and I are the same age. It's kinda nice to see others who are ...ahem....."mature"......but wanting to have a healthier rest of our lives. I'm still pretty early out but am looking forward to being able to outrun my grand kids. Or at least keep up with them!
Lap band 03/09; revised to RNY 01/12
Read about my journey at
Lady Lithia
on 2/10/12 9:57 am
Next month I'll be four years out.

I regret.... needing surgery

I regret ... not having a normal digestive system

I regret ... dumping... oh I used to hate dumping! (I don't dump any more because.....)

I regret... reactive Hypoglycemia.... which is much worse than dumping. .I've found that with my attention turned to the RH, I don't worry about dumping anymore. Controlling for RH naturally controls for hte other.

I regret ... being someone for whom morbid obesity was a life-long sentence of pain and intolerance from others. A lifelong sentence of being considered morally lacking due to being obese.

Do I REALLY regret having RNY? No. Without it, I might NOT have certain problems, but I certainly would have had a LOT of others. On balance I think I'm better off htan I was before.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 2/10/12 12:52 pm
 YO!! Good to see you. Did you hear I got a kidney?? I'm doing great and hope you are too.
Deb T.


on 2/10/12 10:32 am
I only regret not having the surgery sooner!  I kept listneing to my family's desires and not doing what I needed to do for myself!  No regrets even on the days I vomit............
on 2/10/12 12:00 pm
Like so many say, my only regret is not doing it sooner.

Tylenol is fine for headaches and pain for me, no NSAID issues.  I realize that could change in the future, though.

I can eat pretty much anything in small quantities, but I generally eat very healthy 95% of the time.

Like you, my insurance paid 100% on the gastric bypass and I was approved two days after my first doctor appointment.  I wanted to strike while the iron was hot.

I believe I think differently than most people.  The RNY was the vehicle for me to get the weight off, but I now believe its my responsibility to behave like a "normal" person and keep it off.  I watch what I eat, I drink water, I exercise up to 8 hours a week because I like to be able to eat more on the weekends if I want.  
Hattie T.
on 2/10/12 1:05 pm, edited 2/10/12 1:05 pm - Denver, CO
I really wanted VS, but couldn't because of my type of insurance. So, at the last minute I chose RNY. I believe that RNY is the correct surgery for me and I am grateful to have had it done. Regrets? No. Not at all.

Htaylor46     HW 412, SW 386, CW 309, GW 190      
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