burning calories during exercise

on 4/23/12 10:26 pm - Van Wert, OH
RNY on 01/31/12 with
If I am eating 600-700 calories a day how many should I be burning exercising. Sorry if this is a stupid question but I really have no idea and I want to make sure I am doing enough to get the maximum weightloss that I can in the early stages of my journey.
on 4/23/12 10:51 pm
There really is no stupid question, LOL!  We all gotta learn what we don't know.  But this is a bit of a difficult question for a straight forward answer.   You should always listen to your body during a workout and never over extend your capabilities.. There are several factors to consider.  What is your current level of exercise?  Have you been doing anything or are you just starting.  Do you have physical limitations?  How conditioned are your heart and lungs?

You should make sure the calories you take in are good ones with nutritional value and that you are drinking plenty.  Start with walking or slow aerobic and test your strength and when you feel too winded or in any pain stop.  Track your time and intensity and build from there.  I wouldn't focus on the calories burned just yet, focus on your body's reaction first.  Remember that you have an increased metabolism that continues for a while after exercise that will extend  the calories burned.  Good luck and much success on your journey.
on 4/23/12 11:26 pm
I don't know what is right - I am 6 mos. out and eat around 1200 cals a day.....I work out in the AM - doing Jillian Michaels 30 min workout - this burns maybe around 300 cals and then most nights I take a 2 mile walk this burns around 150-200. I don't know if this is right but this is what I do.....hope that helps.
on 4/24/12 3:10 am - Van Wert, OH
RNY on 01/31/12 with
I have no physical limitations I am walking 2mi a day I was just wondering how that works if I need to do more than walking
on 4/24/12 3:40 am - At Home in, NH
I think at 2 miles a day you are doing most excellent. As you weigh less and your fitness levels improve (keep increasing the speed at which you walk), you'll probably want to step up your activity from just walking to a more intensive cardio experience. But it totally depends on your goals and what you expect from your health and your life forever after.

Some folk are satisfied with increased movement and activity, and that's what works for them. Some folks seek better fitness and reap the rewards from a healthy, more active lifestyle. I'm part of the active lifestyle group, and yet I strive to balance that with knowing that I must make sure that whatever I activity I engage in I can sustain for the rest of my life.

I'm not Biggest Loser gung-ho motivated, but I believe for myself, I need to incorporate some activity/exercise most days of the week. I like to sweat (who knew?) and achieve goals (again, who knew?), but I temper that with realism. So if somedays I'm feeling puny, I chose not to get all wierded out that I didn't work out and lay a guilt trip on myself. I just want to always include fitness and a healthy active lifestyle as part of my routine and habit, forever.

"Just keep swimming." ~ Dorrie

on 4/24/12 5:41 am
 I just hit the 7th month mark, and I have actually started running on the treadmill!  Who would of thought!  I also purchased a pair of 1 pound and 2 pound weights to keep the flabby arm wings in check.  That seems to help as I can tone my arms to.
Dawn A Boesch    
Paul C.
on 4/24/12 5:49 am - Cumming, GA
 For now don't look at exercise as being a way to burn more calories. on 600-700 cals a day your body is burning a lot of calories just living.  Look at exercise as a way to a healthy and fit lifestyle. 
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
on 4/24/12 5:51 am - Van Wert, OH
RNY on 01/31/12 with
Thanks ladies I feel better about what I'm doing and will keep it up on Monday I am upping my walk to two and a quarter miles and I do have some 2lb weights I will start using on these flabby arms wish I could use them on the flabby belly lol
on 4/24/12 6:05 am
 My fitness coach told me to alternate weigh training with aerobic exercise, bike, treadmill, etc.  I used to go to water aerobics and it helped with muscle tone and balance.  I gained strength but not much weight loss in the water.  

The gym equipment: abs crunch, legs crunch, the back muscle machine, etc, have reduced and shaped by butt, stomach, and calves.  I haven't started to tackle my arms which I need to do.  
15 minutes on the bike burn 80 calories and the other exercises do burn calories but I'm not sure how much.  I think you can over estimate it.  Regular workouts are necessary and I was told that you can consume too few calories so maybe you should get up to 1000 and see what happens.  You know everyone is different (how many times have you heard that here?  yawn ) so trial and error is sort of the rule.     Portion size and exercise!!!
on 4/24/12 7:44 am - Van Wert, OH
RNY on 01/31/12 with
I am only 3 mos out so am only supposed to be eating 400-600 calories a day according to my Dr. I eat 1/4 cup of food 4 times a day and a protein drink.
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