An update...a couple NSVs (of sorts)...etc....

on 4/22/12 7:05 am - Chicago, IL

So I am on the downhill side of week 3...I weigh-in on Sunday mornings after I've risen and completed my morning ablusions and before I even take my first glucose reading...I'm at 272.8 for a total of 10.8 lbs lost since surgery on the 4th....(cue PGA tournament gallery clap)....

I know that it's still early and while I know that in my head, I can't help but wonder if I won't be among that very small percentage that hardly loses any appreciable weight but is still healthier for the new eating habits and lower glucose readings. It's not that I'm not grateful for those things, but some significant weight loss would certainly be welcome, as well...I so want to be among that group that lost 30 lbs or so each month in the first two-three months...I'm not a Christian but I do believe in the Malevolent Deity theory and am thinking that this is one of those "...can't have your cake and eat it, too..." of the few instances when the Malevolent Deity chooses to be interventionist - but I digress....

Yesterday, I drove past a McDonald's at which I used to invariably turn in and order something even if I wasn't hungry...this was the first time I have done this since well before my surgery...and while the notion occurred to me, I recognized that the trigger was boredom and that I really wasn't hungry (it helped that I had brought with me 20 oz of water w/ Crystal Light in my blender bottle and I had been sipping on it while driving around) and so I was able to drive right past it without missing it even a little bit...

Later when I was buying a replacement container of my ISO-PURE Low-Carb Dutch Chocolate protein powder, the cashier threw in an "Oh Yeah" protein bar that I may have tried pre-surgery without reading the label...however, now that I do that with everything, I probably saved myself a ton of bad calories and 8g of sugar...I tossed it as soon as I got home...

Finally, pre-surgery I was highly lactose-intolerant and had sworn off yogurt - all kinds - completely...but for a change of pace within the diet guidelines provided, I bought some soy yogurt at Treasure Island yesterday and had some this delicious....I've missed yogurt....

Thanks for your time.

Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

on 4/22/12 7:43 am
Like you, I eat when I'm bored.  It's amazing the unhealthy routines we've had for YEARS and YEARS, manifest themselves when you're finally paying attention.  My issue is stopping by Burger King on my way to the grocery store.  You know.. can't shop on an empty stomach, right? lol

Way to go on realizing, changing, and not allowing it to break you down.  (insert audience golf clap -- you crack me up)
Suzanne    RNY:  4/17/12  -   HW:  267  -   SW: - 256  -   GW:  150           
on 4/22/12 9:27 am - Chicago, IL
Thank you, Suzanne...
Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

Jennifer M.
on 4/22/12 9:59 am - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
 8 grams of sugar ain't bad.  Think of it this way... you will probably only eat half a bar at a time, and so that's 4 grams per snack.  For me, the only problems with protein bars are (1) they often have sugar alcohols in them and I react really badly to them; and (2) I've had variable results with protein substitutes.  Sometimes, I can eat them in a bar... and sometimes, I get really sick.

As far as your weight loss... you're being silly (I say this with affection to my fellow Twins fan)!    10.8 lbs in 3 weeks, after being subjected to being floated in IV fluids is really good!  If I'm not mistaken, you also lost quite a bit of weight pre-surgery, so you've already done great!  The third week, if you ask me, was the worst!  Weight loss stopped, and the only thing that made the week tolerable was that I could finally eat soft foods.

Congrats on the Micky D's NSV.   About a week ago, I discovered that I could eat the insides of a canadian bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich, which actually helped stop the panic I always feel when I have to go to Court early in the morning and perform herculean advocacy.   I don't remember whether Micky D's still has a breakfast platter, but that might be a safe way to get some protein before work.  (I think the only think I've ordered there in the last 10 years is some ooey gooey and cinnamony).   But, it's probably best to avoid the stop if it's a trigger.
on 4/22/12 10:43 am - Chicago, IL
Thanks, Jennifer M!

One week before surgery I tipped the scales at 293.X and dropped 10 lbs. prior to surgery...but that was on a mostly liquid extremely low-carb pre-op diet...

I like to think that I'm not complaining and I concur that I am being silly (but I'm good at it)...just typically human...never quite satiisfied with what I do have...always focused on what I don't have...I'm working on that...
Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

Jennifer M.
on 4/22/12 11:34 am - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
If you find a magic formula, let me know.  I do the same thing.
on 4/22/12 11:41 am - Chicago, IL
Will the way, are you a PD? If so, in which county, Hennepin, Ramsey or one not part of the metropolitan area?
Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

Jennifer M.
on 4/22/12 12:29 pm - MN
RNY on 02/17/12
 Naw... I'm a family lawyer.  Most of my cases are in Hennepin, although I've had cases in Anoka (least favorite), Stearns, Wright, Ramsey, Washington, Dakota (next to least favorite), Carver, Scott and Lake of the Woods Counties in the last year.   I used to know a lot of public defenders in Hennepin County, though, because I worked for judges there.

on 4/22/12 12:39 pm - Chicago, IL

Sorry to assume incorrectly...I saw the word, 'advocacy' and immediately associated it with being a public defender...private practice?
Weight at Heaviest: 320 lbs. 
Weight at Surgery:
283.6 lbs.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion...

on 4/22/12 11:47 am
RNY on 02/15/12
 Congratulations! Those are some good changes there, sir. 

Make room in that boat for me. I really have to be cautious about how often I weigh myself because, though logically I realize it's coming off and I can't hurry it, it does get frustrating to see the numbers sitting stagnant day after day, especially when I'm whipping my butt in the gym. I often think about hoe great it would be to be one of those folks who drops 40lbs in a month or something nuts like that, but then I think, "Hey--with my slower weight loss, it's not so dramatic that everyone notices and asks. I can keep it private. My body won't regard it as such a dramatic trauma, so I won't be at such a high risk of losing my hair. My skin has more time to tighten up as I exercise and build muscle beneath it."  Slow weight loss isn't necessarily bad. :)

You're doing great--keep it up!
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
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