on 6/26/12 12:15 am - Canandaigua, NY
RNY on 07/02/12
Ok, so I've read a million of these kind of posts and knew that someday it would be me. I feel like crying.

I have less than a wee****il surgery, the bypass. My date is July 2nd


I am totally freaking out... I had dreams about it all last night. to boot, I haven't bought any protein shakes. I don't know if I subconsciously procrastinated this or what. My local store (wegmans) has a ton in their organic section and regular section. I need to go there today, but I started reading other peoples posts on protein, now I'm thinking I should have spent much more time prepping for the pro ten shakes. Ugh.

also I was up alllll night with a knock down migraine or sinus headache.

Can you take pregnisone after the bypass?

I have my pre-op appt. tomorrow.

ok.. my thoughts are all over the place right now.
Just had my RNY on 7.2.12!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!         
on 6/26/12 12:25 am - NV
RNY on 02/22/12
the closer the date gets the more second guessing you do..All perfectly normal. Trust in your decision and know that improved health can't be bad for you. You have many changes to go thru but they are worth the effort.

Best of luck to you.
H/W 326   S/W 287                                                                                     GW 145                                                      
on 6/26/12 12:56 am - Citrus Heights, CA
RNY on 04/04/12
ARE yoe going to have surgery? if the answer is I don't know ,cancel and wait ( for what I don't know) if the answer is YES then everytime you have a scary thought about surgery replace it with " I will have a great surgery and heal fast"
2 weeks before surgery I was driving myself crazy and takeing valium everyday, once I told myself positive things I felt so much better and so did my family ( because I knew I was having surgery, at least the band out)
The day of surgery I was calm cool and colected and did not have my usual Hospital PANIC , my family was shocked
I think you will feel better after your appointment
If you don't feel right about it cancel and diet and exercise
Best wishes

Donna Q. --5'8" -60 years old
Band 2005
hw320 sw276 lw with band 195 gw 160-180? 
Bypass 4/4/2012
pre sw 258 lw RNY 162 cw 203

on 6/26/12 1:58 am - MN
It's normal to worry about the unknown....but you are reading up and reaching out so you have the skills to help you. WLS was the greatest thing for my health...I wasn't able to lose the weight on my own for any long term time...I weight what I did forty years ago, no longer suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and other weight related issues...Just trust in your ability to deal with things as they arise...beat back the drama and enjoy the changes to come! good luck!
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