What To Expect 1st week post-op

on 7/31/12 2:29 am
RNY on 08/20/12
I read daily on here so thanks for everything that is posted, talked about, etc.  I have surgery on 8/20 so I just wanted to see what to expect the 1st week post op after going home...my dr. told me everything so far to expect in the hospital...so I need to know if I need my husband to take more time off of work or have my Mom stay longer wtih me.

My dr. said no drains, will leave hospital 2-3 days after surgery.

How long to expect to sleep or walk daily, etc?!

Thanks everyone!
on 7/31/12 2:38 am
 A lot depends on your home responsibilities - if you have children, you will definitely need more help.

Otherwise, you may be okay after a few days to be on your own. Personally I rested better when I was at home on my own. I cooked ahead for hubby, and cleaned the house thoroughly so I knew I was prepared.

In general, your first week you can expect....
...to need a lot of rest. 
....to have swelling in your belly and abdomen. You will want to wear PJ's or sweats
....to be somewhat bloated from the fluids in your IV's - takes a few days to get this out of your system (which means that you may come home with a few ADDED pounds immediately after surgery)
...to spend a lot of time sipping your protein and water. It is a full time job, even 2 oz. at a time. Don't aim to get it all in the first day. Just aim to make each day a bit better than the one before.
....to walk at regular intervals thru the day. I started around our cul de sac a few times a day, then to the corner, and so on. 

Plan to have some tylenol junior meltaways on hand. You may not need prescription pain meds for too long, but the tylenol helps. Just bear in mind that the dosage is lower than we are used to - it takes about 8 meltaways to equal 2 extra strength tylenol.

Keep your doc's number handy to ask questions or if you are too uncomfortable.

And be sure to check in on the forum!

on 7/31/12 2:41 am
RNY on 08/20/12
Sorry...no kids and 2 house dogs but they aren't puppies so i would only have to open the door to let them out and then open the door to let them back in.
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/12 3:04 am - High Point, NC
RNY on 03/12/12
I had my surgery on a Monday and was released on Wednesday.  I have no kids, but one little puppy.  We had friends to keep her until that Saturday since my husband was going to be spending time at the hospital with me when he was not working.  This also allowed for me to have a few days at home to get acclimated before we brought her home on Saturday.  After my surgery I was pretty alert.  I did not sleep much during the day.  I may have napped for about an hour or so, but that was all.  I was up walking quite a bit right after my surgery.  I was the last one of the day.  I got to my room around 6:00pm.  By 9:00 I was up walking.  I was walking every couple hours while I was awake.  Sometimes more than that.  Once I got home I would make laps in our apartment. 

My parents came on Thursday, Friday and Saturday after I got home and hung out with me for most of the day while my husband was working, but it was not necessary.  My mom has always been very protective of me since I am her only child.  She wanted to make sure they were there if I needed anything.  It was nice to get waited on, but was not necessary.  It hurt to get up for a few days.  After the first few times I realized it did not hurt so bad if I held the bottom of my stomach when getting up. 

I took my last dose of pain meds on Wednesday morning at the hospital.  I had pain, but it was not unbearable.  Before I went to the hospital, I had the pain meds filled that the surgeon gave me, but never used it.  I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but it really was not that bad. 

I hope this helps.  I wish you the best.  You will be fine.

Welcome to the loser's side!
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/12 3:04 am - NY
RNY on 07/17/12
I had no problems after surgery. I cooked for my husband and froze individual meals but to be honest, he could have taken care of himself.  I had pureed some chicken and carrots and froze that as well.  I did nap but not as much as I thought I would.  Walking was also no problem for me.  I had my surgery early and walked that same afternoon.  Good luck with your surgery.  I will look for you on the losers bench.
on 7/31/12 3:06 am - MA
Everyone heals so different it is hard to say 100%. After my husband has RNY I stayed home 2 days with him.He mostly slept and I prepared his protein and crushed vitamins and pain meds, etc. Even after I went back to work I laid out everything for him- protein, meals, etc,and had his meds for the day lined up as well. He was in a lot of pain and can be a little dramatic in general....what guy isn't though, right? I had to practically force him to take small walks. 1st across the house a few times, then just to the end of our street, etc.

I had RNY in October and I was very different. My hubby stayed home with me one day. I was walking my dog the day I got home from the hospital. ( I didn't take him on his #2 walks, bending the first couple days was uncomfortable). I really didn't need him at all. Only needed my pain meds at night for the first 3 nights. I actually started to work from home the 3rd day home from the hospital.I was walking a few miles/day by the end of the 1st week.

I would make sure your house is clean and organized before you go into the hospital,have comfy clothes pulled out of drawers, all your vitamins, protein shakes, soups, greek yogurt, protein purchased. I also made a chart of the food source and amount of protein/ 1 oz serving and sample daily meal plans to make sure I was getting in all my protein right away. I added vanilla or strawberry protein powder to greek yogurt to up the protein, I added Unjury chicken soup protein powder to soups and also just ate it plain as a broth. Also, don't freak out when you 1st get on the scale. I gained 13 lbs in the hospital from fluids. You'll sleep a lot at first. Get in your protein, go on little walks, trying to go a little further than the day before if it isn't painful, attempt fluids, (I was bad at that the first week or so) each day you will feel a little better. Don;t be afraid to come here and ask questions and don't forget to contact your surgeon if something worries you.

Good Luck!
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/12 3:08 am
Everybody is different and your mileage will definitely vary. You're likely to get an wide variety of answers to these questions. I'll give you my experience, which overall was a fairly easily, no complications experience.

I had surgery mid-day on Wednesday and woke up with a drain but no cathether. I was up that afternoon to go to the bathroom and sit in a chair. That evening I felt cruddy and had some pretty bad nausea and wasn't able to get much in by mouth. My doctor fixed me up with a combo of drugs and I was then able to be up and walking with my IV pain meds and drain.

The next morning my drain and IV meds were discontinued. I started taking all meds and vitamins by mouth (swallowing tablets/pills). I was able to tolerate liquids better by mouth and felt sure that I was gonna be sprung on the day after surgery because I was doing so well. My nausea returned with a vengance and I decided that I didn't want to go home, that if I was going to have to have my IV restarted and get IV fluids I'd rather do it as an inpatient and not be discharged and then have to return to the ER in the middle of night, two small children in tow. I was lucky and was able to push through the nausea with the assistance of Zofran and never had to have my IV restarted. I didn't need any pain medication at all the second day.

I went home the next day (on a Friday) . Unfortunately, my husband HAD to work the next day, a Saturday, at a special event. I was at home alone with my two elementary aged children. I was completely fine, able to get around and do for them and myself as necessary. They're pretty low maintainence though. I took it easy Saturday and Sunday and just concentrated on staying awake, moving around as necessary and drinking plenty. I think that staying awake and making sure I stayed hydrated helped me out a bunch. I think the bit of trouble with the nausea I ran into at the hospital was due to slight dehydration, in part contributed to me snoozing a lot and not leaving a lot of time for drinking.

I returned to my normal routine and my full-time, work from home, desk job on the Monday following my Wednesday surgery. I was able to get my kids up and organized, to and from school and myself to my follow up doctor's appointment on Monday with no problems. I just knew that I'd be moving slightly slower and planned accordingly.

Again, your experience will vary but this was mine. I wish that everybody could have as easy of a time, but I know that is not the case.

Good luck on your surgery!
on 7/31/12 3:40 am
I just had surgery on 7/11 and so I have this fresh in my mind. My surgery was on a Wednesday and I was home on Friday. My husband went back to work on Monday. I didn't really sleep at all while home and as far as walking I walked around the living room and to the bathroom several times a day. You do what you are feeling up to doing. I had my children home with me and the youngest are 11 so they were actually a help. I think it will depend on how old your children are. I would suggest help if your kids are much younger as you wont be feeling up to helping them do anything. I stayed clear of the kitchen for the first few days short of making my drinks because the smell and sight of their foods made my nauseated. 
I will tell you that it is a day by day process. I expected to feel alot better than I did and I was very depressed at first. I think for me finally getting back into a routine helped me tremendously. Take it slow and remember your body has to adjust.
Good Luck to you...
on 7/31/12 3:48 am - Redwood City, CA
RNY on 04/02/12
 Had surgery on Tuesday at 3:30, was up walking immediately upon arrival in my room from recovery about 6:30. Went home on Wednesday. Had no problems. Slept in my own bed on my side as normal. It did help to have someone let me pull on their  hand to get up, but I could do it on my own. Was on full liquids the day I came home and had already purchased enough cream soups and protein shakes to make it for awhile. Had sf jello, sf pudding and sf Popsicles ready to eat. I walked around the house quite a bit, got my own "food", didn't sleep during the day. My S/O got his own food. I went for blood work the following Monday and it was nice to get out of the house. I hope your surgery is smooth and your recovery quick, good luck!
on 7/31/12 4:21 am
RNY on 08/20/12
Thank you all for responding.  Your help is great appreciated!  
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