How long did it take you to love your RNY?

on 8/1/12 1:40 am - FL
RNY on 06/06/12
Maybe after 3 or 4 weeks. I woke one day weighed myself and went holy crap I did it. I wasn't in pain anymore. I felt like I was on the top of the world! I still feel amazing every day.
on 8/1/12 1:48 am - Bossier City , LA
 I have to say at almost 3 months post-op i still have a love hate relationship with mine. I love the fact that I have lost so much weight and that it is a tool that helps me watch what I put in my mouth, now some days I hate that I eat something and feel like i am going to die from it, but the next day I can eat the same thing and not have any problems at all. But one of the best things is when I see someone I havent seen since I had the RNY and now they are all so impressed with how "good" I look, and they all ask how did you lose so much? You to will learn to love your RNY it just takes time to get adjusted to your new pouch, but just remember the pouch seems to get the final say about what is allowed down there and what is not LOL.

on 8/1/12 1:56 am
RNY on 07/19/12
 I'm just a few days ahead of you.  And I was able to start puréed foods yesterday. Just being able to put something in my mouth that didn't come from a cup, made me feel so much better.  Before that I was pretty miserable because I have never been much of a soup lover.  I told my family and friends, just the thought of chicken broth, makes me want to puke. ;-(.  Anyway, I think once we get back to our regular routines, we will feel much better.  I wish you the best on your journey!

BTW - I'm fasting this morning because I have a 1:30 pm EDT appt. with my PCP, to have blood work for my 1st post- op labs.  Wish me luck!

Height: 5'3"; HW 298; SW 279.5; CW 186 GW 160

~  Deb

on 8/1/12 3:02 am
 I never think of it in those terms.  It is a fact of life now and I adapt to changes and cir****tances quickly without  letting things upset me.  Like many have said, I am not aware of the surgerical changes and have to remind myself frequently.  There have been many changes for the better.  I can't eat and don't want foods that I used to love.
on 8/1/12 4:09 am - TX
 We have the same avatar......;)
Slow and steady !!!!  Have a Blessed Day !!!!!!                             

on 8/1/12 4:24 am - IN
 I never had "buyer's remorse", not one minute.  I loved the weight dropping off right away.  But I was dealing with some serious ripping pains and othostatic hypotention (dizziness upon standing due to drop in BP), ketosis breath and mouth, and generally felt like crap for the first week and a half.  By day 9 I was much better.  I would say I loved it by week 4.  
(Roux-en-y 07/05/2012) Heighest Weight/Surgery Day Weight 240lbs     
on 8/1/12 5:20 am - Concord, NC
RNY on 07/24/12
 I am a week and a day out..I have been having problems with my protein since surgery. As in any  kind of liquid protein has made me vomit. My surgeon and I have tried three different types and changed a million things about them nothing worked and I was getting so depressed. I actually told my husband, I wonder if they can put me back. My Dr thinks I developed an intolerance to protein since surgery soy or whey-

I was sore until yesterday and while I am losing weight, I have been miserable getting sick, the thought of soup makes me cringe right now. Today my Dr finally just put me on purees hoping to get some kind of protein in me. I was able to eat some refried beans today, they stayed down and I was full.

 I get your pain, it is hard and I hear people on here all the time say how much they love their RNY and I was wondering if I was just crazy. I do think it gets better when you are able to eat something that feels your mouth and tummy, when the pain stops and you can do more.  I hate for people to say...just hang in there..but I do think you will begin to feel better about your choice as your progress into actual food where you have more choices and more control over your like. I know right now if feels like everything is decided for've been on liquids forever and nothing has really changed from before surgery except you've thrown in some pain! Start writing..getting out the frustration helps!

How much longer before you progress your food plan

on 8/1/12 4:06 pm - TN
RNY on 07/24/12
I can go on to purreed food next Tuesday at the two week mark...  Real food would be heaven right now!!! lol 

Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences...It helps a lot knowing that I am not the only person who didn't love it right off the bat :)


on 8/1/12 7:24 am - PA
The first four months were HELL... I am just over a year out and I can't say that I "love it"... I am learning what I must do so that I don't dump, puke, feel like someone blasted a shotgun in my gut or that my blood sugar doesn't tank... but "love it"... I don't see that happening.

Now, don't get me wrong. I "love" what having the tool has done for me. I "love" the weight loss, I "love" the fact that I get full so much more quickly so that I am not able to put as much in there and I "love" how much better my joints feel... but as for "loving" the surgery... um... nope.

It does get better... at a week out you are still in the "oh God, please let me survive this" phase... everyone heals differently... some people have no issues and others have many.

Hang in there...
Lady Lithia
on 8/2/12 4:45 am
From about day 4 through day 13, I was hating life. I was having an allergic reaction to my steristrips. Frankly, I wasn't at all worried about the whole WLS because I was so focused on not moving a millimeter while waiting for the Itchies to stop driving me bonkers.

I had a bit of a crying jag in the hospital, though I can't see why now. I also had a bit of a bittersweeet "aha!" moment where I realized that while I didn't really care much about teh food, I liked feeling full... and I never would get that feeling again, I realized.

I'd be lying if Iever said I "loved my surgery"

To me, it was something to help me be healthy. I love BEING more healthy. I love everything the surgery has brought me that is positive. Buying clothing off the rack. Smaller more normal feet. Smaller ring size. Squeezing through small spaces. Seeing a normal human. Being a normal human. people who knew me 5 years ago honestly don't remember me as being "that fat" (I just assume they don't mean to be insulting). I'm just a human now. Not the "fat geometry teacher"

I love my LIFE. RNY was merely a means to that end.

I do NOT love the issues RNY has given me. I hate dumping. I hate reactive hypoglycemia. I hate not being able to drink water, or milk, or eat tuna.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

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