OT - Graduate School... at 54... am I too old? Can I do this... SKEEEEEEEERED!

on 8/20/12 11:36 am - PA
I first went to the conference almost a year ago and it seemed like such a good idea... I need my credentials to be able to practice as a licensed therapist and getting my Masters in counseling was a requirement.  I signed up, had my interview(s) and was accepted as a candidate... I got all my paperwork back stating that I wasn't a criminal, had no child abuse history, got fingerprinted... yada, yada, yada.. and I thought to myself - the only thing keeping me from doing this is if I was turned down for my student loan... I was approved, so that wasn't going to be an issue.

But it was still so far away... 10 months...

Well - time happens an d all of a sudden... I start NEXT WEEK!

I am panicing... wondering if I really want to do this "at my age"... can I even do it - haven't been in school for 20 years... and if I do - I am OLD... I won't have my license until I am near 60.  And what if I can't do the work?  And everything is so electronic these days... i am totally intimidated by electronic black boards, responding to others' assignments via thread feeds and interactive classroom time (in addition to on site classes)... then there is the 600 hour practicum and the 3000 hour internship!  I feel like my head is going to 'splode!

I was wondering if anyone out there has recreated themseleves later in life?  Any words of wisom?  My friend who just completed this program suggested Xanax...LOL

Being a licensed therapist has been a dream of mine... wish I hadn't waited so long, but that's a moot point now.

Thanks for reading my ramble!
Oxford Comma Hag
on 8/20/12 11:43 am
Go for it! One of my regrets is never having finished college. Perhaps fortuitously, my job ends 3/31/13. I have now been presented with the golden opportunity. I'm not certain I can manage college, work, family, etc. I'm scared witless. But if we don't try, we'll never know.

As far as age, time will still march on whether we go back to school or not.
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/12 11:54 am
I think that's absolutely wonderful.

I've been working on my bachelors degree on and off for 12 years now. I would like a Masters degree at some point in life, and I'll probably be older than you when I get the opportunity to get it!

In my first year of school, in community college, there were a few women over 60 just going to college for the first time.
Larry Wassmann
on 8/20/12 11:56 am - Lacey, WA
RNY on 05/09/12
I was in my late 40's when I got my MBA. You can do it, it is not too late. I was going to be a doctor at one time and one of the students there who was really outstanding was going along with his father who was retired from another business. May have been in his 60's and he was doing as well as his son. They would never allow that these days. No you are not too old and I bet you will beat the pants off of some of the young ones, because you already know how to work hard. Good luck to you. 

fb.png   Visit my Blog at  http://www.lwassmann.blogspot.com/                                

on 8/20/12 12:04 pm
 I actually am a librarian, and I work at a university.  We see quite a few people who are just like you, going back to school after a long time out in the world working and having a life.  Everyone feels just like you do-- it's normal to be scared!  But my best advice would be to take advantage of any programs your school has for "returning students" or "non-traditional students."  There may be orientations or workshops that will help acquaint you with the electronic side of academics-- we offer those at my university.  Also, there will be a librarian assigned to counseling/pscyhology at your university.  Make an appointment to talk with him/her about library research and the services available to you.  I'm meeting someone just like you on Wednesday for just such an appointment, and I'm meeting her after 5pm to accommodate her work schedule.  All she had to do was ask!  :)

Best of luck to you!

Lapband 4/2005:  342HW, 202LW
RNY 7/30/2012: 292HW, 276SW


on 8/20/12 12:09 pm - NC
I had a friend who at your age went back to school for nursing and became an rn. She was an excellent nurse!! You can do it!!


HW 225, SW 219, GW 140, CW 124

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!  

on 8/20/12 12:14 pm - Baltimore, MD
You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all.
H.A.L.A B.
on 8/20/12 12:35 pm
You are alive and well. It is too late if you are dead.
GO FOR IT!!! why not? You are not losing anything to start with. And - if you decide it is too hard - you can quit.  I wish I could go to school...
YOU  CAN  DO   IT !!!!! 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/20/12 12:59 pm
HOW WONDERFUL FOR YOU !!! Of course you can do it--your going to get older no matter what you do or don't do--you'll just be better educated because you will have your Master's degree.
on 8/20/12 1:20 pm
Revision on 12/10/12
Do not let your age stop you from doing what you want. You may be the oldest in some of your classes but not all. So what if you are? You can do anything you set your mind to. 

Last year my husband and I were seeing a Psychiatrist (long story re; mentally ill step kid) she was 80 if she was a day and man was she good.  I truly think in our case her age was an advantage. Saved our marriage.

Do it!


Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods





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