Hospital stay from HELL

on 10/10/12 12:52 pm - IL
 I have posted before about the dizziness, lightheadedness that I have been feeling for a few weeks.  My speech got really bad and I got really lightheaded at work on Monday.  I called my doctor and she said to to to ER immediately.  I have had an MRI of my brain, CAT scan of my head, bloodwork out the ying yang and still no answer.  I have recieved fluids, had all of my vitamin levels checked and everything on paper is fine for now.  But Im still dizzy! I got home a few hours ago.  I have to walk with a cane or something to hold me until this gets better.  I am not supposed to drive.  Frankly, I am a little pissed off.  The dietary department at this hospital is a joke.  My first night there, I asked for a diabetic menu due to the sugar restriction it offers.  But telling them that I need at least 60 grams of protein backfired.  IT was put into the computer that it was all I was allowed per day.  I could not order the healthier options on the menu cause they contained TOO MUCH protein. After 7:30 they do not give you a choice of a plate, they just send a ready made tray.  What did my DIABETIC tray have, you ask?  FRIED CHICKEN TENDERS!!! ARe you kidding me? That, chicken noodle soup swimming with noodles and non-sugar free jello!  I was starving so bad from being stuck there all day with no food that I dipped the tenders in the broth and choked them down.  I chewed like I was supposed to, but it got stuck, so I had to drink some water to help it along.  Then the cramps started.  HOLY GOD!I had the worst diarrhea I have had in a long time and I was not allowed to get up to the bathroom by myself due to the fall risk.  Nearly had a few accidents.  Then there was the vitamins. I carry them with me so I dont forget to take them.  They put a multi0-vitamin in my IV bag, but Also had a horse pill to give me.  I could not swallow that.  Then they gave me liquid calcium to take.  Calcium CARBONATE!  I told them a number of times I can only have Citrate.  I snuck my own vitamins while they werent looking. The dietician came to see me this morning and apologized profusely for the mixups.  She said she would fix it, which she did, but then taking her suggestion for dinner I had baked fish with green beans.  IT was good going down, but holy God it was worse than the chicken tenders.  I have had the worst few days food wise.  Just thinking about what I have been put through makes me dry heave.
MY GP had a convo with the surgeon today.  I will find out what they talked about tomorrow at a follow up with my GP.  I also told me GP that I have been lying to her.  I have not taking my anti-depressants at all since my RNY.  I know you are not supposed to to that, and I understand it screws with your brain.  This is not what is causing the dizziness.  Its been so long the drug is out of my system completely.  The team of docs I had these past few days are of the idea that I am missing something in my diet that is causing this.  
You, I've mistaken for destiny, but the truth is my legacy is not up to my genes...


on 10/10/12 1:41 pm
 You learned valuable hospital lessons. If it's a hospital with a menu where you can pick food to order always ask to be put on a regular diet so you can chose food that works for you. Also I always have some protein bars and other "emergency" food on hand.
Also always sneak your own vitamins in. They never  get it right so it's just easier to take on my own.

The dietary workers work with what diet you have ordered. They aren't allowed/encouraged to think...just give you what's ordered. That's why a regular diet is best.

I hope they find out what's making you dizzy.
Deb T.


on 10/11/12 7:22 am - Madison, AL
Please do not EVER "sneak" any medications, even vitamins, into the hospital to take on your own.  Your medical team needs to know what meds you are on, period.  It's fine to bring your vitamins with you to take. Your vitamins will be held for you at the nurses' station and dispensed according to your dosing schedule.  Unless you are a physician or a pharmacist, you do not know what kinds of interactions might occur with other medications your physician might prescribe while you are in the hospital.

on 10/10/12 1:47 pm - CA
RNY on 06/11/12
((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))) sorry you had to deal with this!!!



Amanda M.
on 10/10/12 1:48 pm
RNY on 01/18/13
Have they checked your ears? A couple years ago, I had dizziness so bad and they couldn't figure it out. turns out I had something loose in my inner ear that was making me super dizzy.

good luck!
on 10/10/12 2:38 pm - CA
Ugh! I am so sorry you have been dealing with this. I have heard horror stories about the diet during non-WLS hospital stays. I am getting a hip replacement next month and am scared to death of what I will face diet-wise since I dump on tiny amounts of sugar and even just carbs. I'll talk to my hubby and make sure he understands how to handle things so I don't have to worry and I will pack a bag of food.
on 10/10/12 3:41 pm - Canyon, TX
RNY on 05/11/12
I work for a hospital. Ask to talk to the dietician. We have bariatric diets, stage 1 is clear liquids, stage 2 is puréed, stage 3 is a regular diet. All are high protien. 
on 10/10/12 4:50 pm - Parkville, MD
 OMG! Thank you for sharing!  I hadn't even thought about something like this ever happenng!  With bariatric surgery being so common these days, I'm shocked to read about something like this happening - yet, I know how hospitals can screw up (I've spent enough time in them)!

Anyway, I'm glad you survived this and were able to share your account.  I also hope they hurry up and figure out what's going on with you.  Wow!
on 10/10/12 10:51 pm
Are you sure it's not from stopping the antidepressants?  I am on Effexor XR and if I skip even just ONE dose I have horrible dizzy spells and what I call brain zaps.  Almost feels like and electical impluse in your head.  Sounds crazy I know.  I would look into it possibly being from stopping the antidepressants.

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience in the hospital though.  That sounds terrible and you would think of all people THEY would be knowlegable of what a gastric bypass patient can have. 

Hope things start to get better and soon.
Jen V.
on 10/10/12 11:09 pm - Waterford Township, MI
RNY on 06/29/12

I hope the dizzy spells stop soon and they can figure out what is causing it.




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