What did you do?

on 12/17/12 12:05 pm - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

So my final appointment of my insurance mandated 6-month diet is the first week of February. I feel like the closer it gets the more impatient I become... like a little kid who cant go to sleep on Christmas Eve! I've gone to support groups (more than required) and read so much information I feel like my brain will explode haha. Anyway, what else did you do to make sure you were prepared for this wonderful journey? Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Have a lovely evening everyone 

on 12/17/12 12:09 pm - Canada

hi i am very impatient too, for me it is difficult only wait and wait . good evening


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on 12/17/12 12:14 pm - Central, IL
RNY on 12/03/12

The best advice that I can give you is just to hang in there!! I felt the same way and it seemed that my turn would NEVER come!! But it did....and looking back over the last year, it actually went pretty fast.  Good luck!

on 12/17/12 12:32 pm - AZ
RNY on 04/23/12

I went out and looked and looked and finally bought some little plates, and little bowls for my new sized meals. And those little 2 oz size ones for like condiments for my first few weeks and months. I still use them. I bought some sippy cups to use to get used to taking little sips all the time. And I bought baby size spoons. So I would learn to take small bites.  And I printed out schedules on my computer for eating/meds/vitamins etc for the first 6 weeks I think. I had these sheet protector pages on magnets on my fridge with these schedules on there. And I had a page that had protein ideas for each stage, and carb/fruit/veggie ideas and what sizes etc on these for easy reference so if I could not make my meal someone else easily could for me.

I had very little pain and ended up being up and about way earlier than I had expected. So I made all my meals/snacks myself. But the pages helped. And no matter how you schedule things, there were times I was scheduled to eat a yogurt for example, and really didn't want it, so it was nice to have a list of other things I could choose from. 

And I would go to youtube and watch RNY surgeries and the sleeve ones too. I was facinated with watching these. lol. Now I cannot stand to see them. lol

I also made a schedule of exercise for the first week, second week ect. I started with simple things like walking to the mailbox and back. Then up to walking the block then two miles. I would go out in the car with my daughter and watch the mileage gauge so I would know how far each route was. lol. And I would cut out pages of magazines with my "body goal" and tape them up on my closet mirrors and around my treadmill. I still like to look at them when I want a "cookie" or a bite of something bad. It really helps me. I look at that picture and say "I'd rather look like that someday than eat that cracker!"  And I would plan out simple exercises that I wanted to be able to do by a certain date.

I had my surgery April 24th. I have lost 96 lbs so far. I am so happy, and I am still planning out things with my computer. Lol.  oh, and I love having my special little dishes. I bought mine at Pier One. They are "dessert size" but I still enjoy them since I don't eat off my other pretty regular size dishes.

on 12/17/12 12:36 pm - CA
RNY on 03/04/13

Wow! Thank you so much for all of these wonderful suggestions! There are some ideas you listed that I have yet to think of and will definitely be giving a try. I am a hyper-organized-control-freak, and completely geek out on all things that are lists and schedules, so those are right up my ally! Thank you again, and congrats on all of your success so far :)

on 12/17/12 1:33 pm

I took advantage of the holiday sales and bought smaller clothes.  Saved me $$$$$ in the end. One year later I've given away to charity over 10k in clothes, but have only spent about 2.5k on replacements since I shopped the close outs and off season clearance stuff pre surgery.  


Itemize the stuff for your taxes if you donate. Go through and weed out your off season clothes now. You won't be fitting back into them and if you're in the US you have the time to get it in on your 2012 taxes. Plus room for the new stuff! 

I tried the protein shake samples ahead of time, and bought a good supply of vitamins to have in stock. And I cleaned like mad just before surgery, because I knew I wouldn't feel up to it afterwards.

on a more personal note. I did call my family and make sure I told them I loved them. Verified my insurance beneficiaries and verified I had a video of my last wishes with someone I trusted.  Completely unneeded, but it was a huge burden off my mind when I finally had the surgery. I took before shots in generic easily replaced in new size clothes in front of a totem/object to use for judging size later with my hair pulled away from my face. 

I moved my bed and armchair to the first floor and put a thick mattress topper on it. Oh, and I bought an electric heating pad, which was priceless in the end.  

Best of luck!



on 12/17/12 1:46 pm - CA
RNY on 03/04/13
Wow, more great ideas, thank you so much!
on 12/17/12 11:04 pm - VA
RNY on 01/14/13

Thank you all so much for all this wisdom.  I am scheduled for next month 1/14/13, and I am also a control freak.  I have had to loosen my reigns a bit to my boyfriend over the last 7 years...but I still try to control in my head EVERYTHING...lol.  I was wondering how I would deal with all the information I would need after surgery without trying to keep it all in my head and you have given me some new tools to work with.  Also some my boyfriend can use too...lol

Thanks a bunch.

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