Was all for SLEEVE but now considering BYPASS?

on 1/13/13 8:00 am

Hi Guys....this is my first post on the Bypass Forum.....For the last several months I've been on the gastric sleeve side.....I have just finished up my 6 months and the insurance coordinator will be submitting my materials this week.....Over the weekend I meant some folks who had the bypass with great success (more weight loss than those I've meant with the sleeve)...I'm about 350lbs and want to do what is best.  My surgeon said either or.

So my question is ....Did you go back and forth with deciding sleeve vs. bypass???  Any regrets with choice?

Kathy Fisher
on 1/13/13 8:12 am - Canada

Hi.. I was around the same weight as you when I went to see my surgeon about surgery. I'm from Ontario but had it in Detroit, MI at Henry Ford. I was one of those who had OHIP pay for out-of-country surgery. I did my research and was really partial to the DS, however since the consent from OHIP was/is so hard to attain,I opted for the RNY and originally got down to 185 lbs and at 5'8" looked and felt really good. I do not regret my surgery choice. I felt for me that the RNY was a better surgery for me than the VSG since my intestines were shortened and malabsorption of those calories was important to me.

Good luck..and remember don't let anyone decide for you as it's your life. Congrats on talking with so many people.




on 1/13/13 8:22 am

Thanks Kathy, I so appreciate your kind words.....I'm 5'8 also and want to be in that 180 range.....Congratulations on all your success...I hope to join the losers bench real soon.

Heidi T.
on 1/13/13 8:14 am
RNY on 01/31/12

I went back and forth and decided on bypass. I too had alot to loose and I have made great strides loosing the weight. I wanted the malabsorbition as well as the chance of dumping. I wasnt sure that I could do it through diet alone and wanted the extra help. My only regreat is waiting so long to have it done.

  rny 1/30/12              
On 1/30/12 I begain my new healthier life, it is not easy, but day by day I will reach my goals.                
on 1/13/13 8:25 am

Hi Heidi...Thanks for taking the time to reply......I'm kind of feeling the same way....My nutritionist said some sleevers will get ill if they eat improperly and some wont.....I meant someone that had VSG in September and was able to eat 3 baked sugar cookies with no problem and that scared me.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 1/13/13 9:22 am - OH

Even with the RNY, many of us COULD eat three cookies and not get sick.  Only 30% of RNYers dump.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Heidi T.
on 1/13/13 11:28 am
RNY on 01/31/12

Ah yes but I am a chicken!!  Found out I dump by accident, would have never tried it otherwise. I ate PB it was on my plan week three attempted it to get protien, big big big mistake wont ever do that again.

  rny 1/30/12              
On 1/30/12 I begain my new healthier life, it is not easy, but day by day I will reach my goals.                
on 1/13/13 8:26 am - GA
RNY on 01/17/13


I was set for the sleeve, and totally convinced, but then I decided to change surgeons.  The new surgeon asked me which surgery I wanted and i told him the sleeve.  I then asked him what he thought, my  previous surgeon just said, either was fine.  The new surgeon asked me questions about my eating habits.  He asked if I was a big meal person who ate until bursting or if I was a sweet eater who was more focused on eating what I wanted and skipped regular meals. When I told him about my terrible sweet tooth he said he thought I should have the bypass.   I had never thought about the sleeve.  I did a ton of research and although I am scared about the dumping and have read too many posts about bad experiences I am ultimately convinced it will help me be the most successful in changing my eating habits, which is what we all have to do on this journey, so that we can maintain our weightloss and our new lives.  Good luck with your decision.



On the journey to weightloss...one babystep at a time
Mary Catherine
on 1/13/13 8:50 am
The difference between them is like riding a bike or driving a car. Malabsorption and restriction is so much easier and gets you there much faster than restriction alone.

Glad you realized this now instead of regretting the sleeve a year from now when you are tired of trying to do it all by eating less and absorbing every calorie that you eat.
Laura in Texas
on 1/13/13 9:16 am

Another option would be the DS. Or if you start with the sleeve, it could be revised to the DS at a later time if you do not lose enough with just the sleeve. Have you researched the DS? Do you ever have to take NSAIDS for pain? You cannot take it with the RNY. I had RNY and am happy with my choice. Just make sure you have made the right choice for you.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

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