After RNY complications

Mo Diggity
on 2/2/13 2:11 pm - poughkeepsie, NY
RNY on 07/03/13

Hey everyone :) I haven't had surgery yet and although I was leaning towards RNY, I am still researching the options. I had someone on this website ask me if I was aware of some of the complications of RNY, like reactive hypoglycemia & strictures. She was  saying that in her opinion, DS surgery was better because of less post-op complications. Have any of you had any major issues after your RNY ? If DS was hands down better... wouldn't everyone pick that ?? Thanks !!

on 2/2/13 2:24 pm
I have not had surgery yet, but I have chosen to have RNY. First, it was only RNY or sleeve that my insurance will cover. And I feel very confident that RNY has been a procedure that many doctors have been able to master in the past 20 years. Lastly, you will be at risk for complications reguardless of any surgery. I believe in educating yourself and making the best decision for you. Good luck!!
Lizzie S.
on 2/2/13 2:35 pm

2 yrs post op rny and not even so much as a minor complication.   there are risks with any surgery, best you can do is to educate yourself very well and talk with your surgeon prior to making your decision.   Good luck to you!

Lizzie S in OR

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/13 2:38 pm

My surgeon said that the gastric sleeve hasn't been around long enough to have the track record that RNY has.  Complications can happen, but choosing the right surgeon can go a long way to mitigate those.  Try to get into a support group - they can provide a wealth of information as to what surgeon to use. 

on 2/2/13 2:48 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

There are some people on this forum as with any other forum who believe their choice is the best choice for everyone. These surgeries are not one size fits all. Research all of your choices, discuss them with your doctor get a second oppinion if needed. find out which ones your insurance covers and make the decision that is best for you.

My doctor felt I would be served well by the sleeve or the rny. I chose the rny because I wanted the risk of dumping to deter me from sweets. I knew with the sleeve I would gain weight over time if I even lost down to goal. I also liked the added motivation of quicker weight loss, I know with my mentality that would keep me from giving up too easily.

I have not had any complications, although every surgery can cause complications.

as for reactive hypoglycemia? I had that for the two years PRIOR to surgery. I have not had an issue since surgery. Even prior to surgery it was controlled by diet.

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5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 2/2/13 3:30 pm - OH

I amnot sure on what this person is basing the claim that DS has fewer complications.  No, you cannot get a stricture with a DS, but the stricture rate is actually quite small among all RNYers (remember that ALL complications seem much more prevalent on here because it is the people who DO have problems who post for help, not the people who have NO problems).  Both surgeries carry potential for bowel obstructions, and the DS carries a greater chance of nutritional deficiency if you don't stay very compliant about vitamins and lab work.  When I was deciding between the two surgeries six years ago, all of the material in medical journals showed very similar complication rates for RNY and DS.

Yes, if DS was truly "hands down" better, it WOULD be the surgery of choice, but it is a more extreme surgery, with more malabsorption, and therefore more supplementation required.  Many insurance policies won't cover it.  Some people (like me) did not like the idea of losing the remnant stomach.  There are also some potential complications of the DS that I was not willing to risk having to deal with (smelly diarrhea).

The only "complications" that I have had, would have existed even if I had chosen the DS (incisional hernia from open surgery, gallbladder removal, necrotic tummy tuck incision).  The DS can be a better choice for some people, and I believe that everyone should research ALL surgeries, but there are some DSers who are militant about trying to convince people that DS is a superior surgery.



14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

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Mo Diggity
on 2/3/13 12:34 pm - poughkeepsie, NY
RNY on 07/03/13

Very Informative, thanks !!

on 2/2/13 8:36 pm

I think there are a lot fewer doctors who can do a DS. My hospital here has a huge WLS program and 4-5 surgeons who perform WLS. None of them do or believe in DS. They stick to lap band and RNY. I will tell you that I have had a ton of strictures and ulcers.   I have had 16 EGD procedures. Things will calm down for a few months and then I'm back in pain again. I will have to take Nexium and carafate for the rest of my life. This is a decision to not take lightly. I personally wish I had tried a lot harder on my own to lose weight. But it is what it is and I have to deal with the good and the bad. 

Good luck in your decision.

on 2/3/13 12:43 am
RNY on 02/21/12

RNY is the gold standard....longest history, most research and so on. My understanding was DS is the extreme end of the spectrum of choices and had the most risk  I am really glad I went with the RNY after a lot of research on my own and questions.  Like everyone says, it is a personal choice after looking at all the facts and consulting with your surgeon and PC. There are potential complications with any surgery no matter  how  complex or routine.

I had strictures but the remedy for me was straight forward and only an inconvenience in the end. The percentages  are so small with all the potential post-op complications that that did not deter me. You just need to be aware of anything that might pop up.

Good luck with the decision!


on 2/3/13 2:23 am - WA

I thought I wanted the DS first because of a higher amount of weight loss.  But my insurance did not cover it.  My family Dr. told me the RNY being the gold standard has had the most research on what could go wrong.  My husband thought maybe the sleeve would be good for me but I wanted to have the dumping issue to keep me in line.  I am actually one of the small percentage of people who do dump also. 


  RNY 8/29/12       5' 9" tall


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