2 weeks out - a little long..sorry

on 2/12/13 6:35 am

today has been 2 weeks since surgery and i am still not 100 %. i had a couple of set backs with vomiting and a collapsed lung. but according to my scare (which i don't believe) i lost 28 lbs, but i also didn't  lost much before surgery so i guess it evens out. i just wish i saw a little difference or felt my clothes fit a little better. but i have so much to lose i know its going to take a lot of weight loss to notice anything.

i still feel regret getting this done. but i was told its normal to feel like this at first and it gets better after a month or so. i pray that is the case.

i could really really use some great experiences shared with me so i can feel like i made a right decision. i know in the long run i will look better? feel better? but then i dread the lost skin and think omg another operation? i don't know why i think so far ahead and so negative i just still feel regret.

i went to the mall today after being snowed in for days. it felt good to go out even though it was only for a short time. i am looking foward to spring and nice weather to go out and enjoy life and my children. i hope that i learn to live with this and get over food.

so..please share those good stories with me and lift my spirits please. and THANK YOU

on 2/12/13 7:04 am - Brighton, IL

I am sorry that you are having such a tough time right now. I promise it will get better really soon. It takes a while to be able to notice a difference in clothes,especially in the large sizes. But soon things will be getting loose and you will feel so much better. When I started my journey in August I was winded just going down my basement stairs. Now about six months later I have lost over 92 pounds and gone from a tight size 24 to an 8 or 10. I now walk 3.658 miles a day and am signed up for my first 5k in March. If you follow your doctors plan you will have success too! Just hang in there!



on 2/12/13 7:26 am
Good for you!!! Best wishes in the race that's great and thanks
on 2/12/13 7:06 am - San Diego, CA
RNY on 12/27/12

I promise it gets better.  Your body is still swollen and getting used to the new you.  And being cooped up in a house certainly gets me down.  Just make sure you keep up with your fluids, because dehydration can be a quick spiral, and you feel like total crap when you are dehydrated. 

And you know, there is no reason to borrow trouble right now.  Don't think about loose skin - you may not have any.  Don't think about future surgeries - you may not want them.  Just think about how much healthier you are becoming, and compare that to how you felt before surgery.  I bet you are healthier already.

Have faith that most of us felt this way at least once or twice, and most of us would still make the same decision to have the surgery.  And use us to vent - most of us do!  :)

HW: 274 | SW: 232 | CW: 137 | Goal: 145 (ticker includes a 42 pound loss pre-op) | Height: 5'4"

M1: -24 (205) | M2: -14 (191) | M3: -11 (180) | M4: -7 (173) | M5: -7 (166) | M6: -8 (158) | M7: -11 (147) | M8: -2 (145) | M9: -3 (142) | M10: -2 (140) | M11: -4 (136) | M12: -2 (134) | M13: -0 (134) | M14: -3 (131) | M15: +4 (135) | M16: +2 (137)

on 2/12/13 7:27 am
Thank you 😄
(deactivated member)
on 2/12/13 12:41 pm

I had my surgery 5 weeks ago and I regretted it for a few weeks.  I didn't have any trouble, but I just wanted to be back to normal.  At only 5 weeks out, I am feeling more normal every day.  I still can't eat much but I can eat some good food.  I've lost 41 lbs and I don't see a big change in my clothes yet.  Of course, all of my pants have elastic waists and I think it is harder to to tell.  I see the scale dropping, so I choose to believe it.  Hang in there.  It really will get better.  I went out to breakfast with a friend who had her surgery in February 2012.  I had 3 bites of scrambled egg and she had eggs Benedict and has lost over 100 lbs.  I decided to do the surgery when she said five months out that her only regret was that she hadn't had the surgery sooner.

It really does get better.

on 2/12/13 1:34 pm

Thanks for lifting my spirits. I hope once it gets nicer and we can enjoy the outside ill feel better. Not picking up my son, who is three...a big three lol has been a little rough but I think once I get in the soft food stage I'll be better 

thanks to you all who took the time to write me

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