Will I ever get to eat....

on 3/12/13 11:33 am - FL
Bread,pasta,pizza, shrimp And crab again. I'm having a break down! Please help!
on 3/12/13 11:43 am - MN

Good question!  I am 6 months out. I would never take another bite of any of these things if it meant I would keep off the 100# I have lost!  My guess is you will be able to eat some of most of them. How far out are you?

on 3/12/13 11:44 am - NY
I can eat all of that stuff if I want to. I can't eat much of the starchy stuff cause it fills me up way quick, but my plan allows for all of that as long as you tolerate it.
I was on vacation and had coconut shrimp that was divine! And last week we got pizza at work for lunch. I ate the toppings off 1 small slice with some "salad" beans/cheese/olives no lettuce.When I finished my protein I ate a couple bites of crust and was very satisfied with my meal.
Today for lunch we had brisket in a Mexican sauce served over red beans and rice. I ate the beef and maybe a tablespoon of rice with beans and sauce.Yum!
Citizen Kim
on 3/12/13 11:45 am - Castle Rock, CO

You can eat as much shrimp and crab as you like - great protein sources.   The others can be occasional treats once you are at maintenance!

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

Calla Lily
on 3/12/13 11:47 am
RNY on 01/23/12

Sure you will! I eat all of the above (of course bread, pasta, pizza in moderation) I have shrimp like 2 times a week!

RNY 01/23/12, HW 265, CW 115, Height 5'6"


on 3/12/13 11:49 am - CA

I do well with shrimp and crab 

on 3/12/13 12:07 pm
I'm 4 months out on the 19th. I buy shrimp by the pounds. It's all about how you cook it. Having fried popcorn shrim is not a good idea but broiled or baked or grilled. I make a garlic marinade that's delish that I bake them in with a little parm cheese. Soooo good. As far as any kind of samdwhich bread goes I actually have lost the taste for it. Pasta I think I've had like twice since surgery. I just don't have room for it. I'm trying to ween out relying on my protein shakes and just get my protein from food so pasta there is just no room. I have had a small plain slice of cheese pizza a few times. Get through half and I'm full. So yes you potentially could but your body might not want it. Try to focus on all the yummy delicious things you can eat. Bariatricfoodie.com has great recipes.

Height: 5'8", HW: 6/4/12 440lbs, SW: 11/19/12 389lbs, CW: 219lbs 01/01/2014


on 3/12/13 10:12 pm
RNY on 02/21/12

I am so jealous! Shrimp was a favorite BS, now my pouch hates it! Any shellfish for that matter....no matter how much i chew, chew, chew!


on 3/12/13 12:44 pm - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

I ate the toppings off of pizza in the first month. I did not eat the crust til much later when my doctor put me in maintenance and allowed one carb a day. I have spaghetti with the family now. for the first 6 mo I just ate the meat sauce now I have a half cup of meat sauce and about 10 noodles always the protein ones by barillo. shrimp and crab should be good to go as long as your pouch likes it.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 3/12/13 1:19 pm - NJ

i havent eaten pasta in almost 2 years, but that is by choice.. i treat myself to a slice of pizza usually once a week after a hard workout..

remember, everything (and anything) is usually fine down the road, as long as it is in moderation

   ---------------(Starting Weight - 365) ------------ (Current Weight - 165) ------------    

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