Reassurance that this is normal and venting maybe too?

on 10/17/13 6:27 am

First - gotta say so glad to have found this forum, so many things I think of asking are already asked and answered as I read through so yay.  But - I guess I have some questions and venting to do still anyways...

I just passed 7 months post-op last Friday.  I am down about 83-85 pounds - but, I've been fluctuating with this for now 4 weeks.  I know a bit about stalls - been reading quite a lot that this is perfectly normal and expected.  I have talked in person with several friends/relatives that have had this surgery - again perfectly normal.

I just feel very - frustrated - still though.

THEN - I also have to say I've been HUNGRY lately too.  I've read quite a few posts saying that they are rarely "hungry"...and I'm like...really???  Because I get hungry pretty regularly - I can't EAT nearly as much of course and am satisfied with a 300-400 calorie meal, but c'mon...I am hungry, no doubt about it.   I use myfitnesspal on my phone, have since I started the 6 month pre-op program.  Amazing tool too btw - and my current calorie goal is set at 1200.  That's been confirmed by my doc at my 6 month visit too that this is what I should be.

But then I read posts here that people have trouble eating 900-1000 calories at this point, or that they rarely feel hungry and I start this self doubt thing - because I could probably eat MORE ... and have on a few occasions.  Maybe my pouch is larger than some - again, I realize every single one of us are different, but - it's such a tightrope walk sometimes - I think, ok - I'm doing fine - sure I haven't lost anything in 4 weeks, but that's normal...but then I worry because I'm hungry and I feel like maybe I AM eating too much and that is the reason I'm not losing...and it's off the races then with my confidence...

When I think about what I *was* eating - jeez, 3000 calories a day was probably pretty normal...I know when I started tracking the calories for the pre-op - my pre-op calorie goal was 1800...I had MEALS that were more than that.  So 1200 calories and usually that is just fine - seems reasonable...

But the - like I said, the whole worry thing goes on and I'm like - ok, you haven't lost in a month, maybe you should do "this" or not do "that"...and off I go.

I also have had LOTS of work stress that I think is also contributing to my hunger issues (emotional/stress eating) and possibly for my body not losing weight too.

I started pre-op at 329, at surgery I was 321 and today I'm 239 - I had gotten to 236 and have been playing around with these few pounds for a month now. 

THEN I start to worry too - is this as far as I'm going to go?  Maybe this is it...I'm guessing some of you who have had stalls may understand?  I want to try to lose as much as possible in the first 12 months, but now I'm like - what if this is IT???

I know I can be exercising more - it's usually 1-2 times a week walking or biking for an hour - but I could/should do more - I do actually LIKE the walking and biking (I have 2 really bad knees - both are contenders for replacements - I'm 44 so trying to hold off as long as possible - the weight loss has certainly HELPED the daily pain for that, but - they aren't going to get better either, just less weight means less pain) with the knees SOME types of exercising is out...walking and biking are easier on me, and convenient.  I know swimming even better but I don't have pool access and with my busy life, not gonna be easy for that, gotta stick with what CAN get done.

I feel SOOOO much better than I did so I even think, well if this IS it, I'm certainly way better off...

I'm hoping soon that I'll pop back on here and say - oh ok just lost 8 pounds this week the stall is over...and life goes on, but I just feel stressed and worried and frustrated and so - there's the vent.

Am I normal or a complete whack job? 


on 10/17/13 6:33 am - OH

I think you're normal and I also think you're doing fine.

Stalls are normal, especially six or seven months out.

1200 calories is fine.

Most people do feel hungry again at some point.  Hunger often returns around three months out, though for some it's sooner and for some it's later.  It's normal for your body to feel hungry.  It means your body is working the way it's supposed to.

Increasing the exercise would probably help.  Can you take a short walk on some of the days you aren't walking now?  If you don't have a whole hour, that's OK.  How about 15 or 20 minutes?

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 10/21/13 12:58 am

Thanks for thinking I'm normal lol - alot of my friends don't seem to think so!

I went away on a woman's retreat this weekend with my church, Friday morning I was actually weighing 240 and I was like CRAP because I know there will be foods there that I'll probably eat and really shouldn't (women and snacking!)...but, I weighed this morning at 236.  There was alot of walking around (from conference room areas to sleeping room areas and where sessions were) along with stair climbing, and both Friday night and Saturday night I lead 2 hours of karaoke sessions and was standing up front carrying on, dancing around - you know...MOVING more.

And, yes, I did eat snacks that I shouldn't have (c'mon - there was an ice cream social Saturday night...goodness!)

When I got up this morning to weigh in, had NO idea what to expect and when the scale said I lost 4 pounds I was like - ahha...amazing ... moving around more DID help.  Not that I didn't know that intellectually...but yes, seeing it as a dummy it was like a lightbulb going off.

NOW - if I can JUST keep moving a little more each day - I'm not an activity freak, and I have a "sit-on-my-butt" office job - but, I'm going to REALLY make some better effort to get just more movement in to my days and see if I can bust out of this stall!

Thanks so much for your input!


MyLady Heidi
on 10/17/13 6:41 am

I would say Normal.  Everyone thinks they are the one it won't work for.  But its a long term thing, it will keep working as long as you keep working it.  I don't eat 1200 calories on most days because I can't and if I do I gain weight, but I also don't exercise.  Only you know you, 1200 calories might be just right.  I think when you get hungry is a good time to drink water, and lots of it, I drink water all day long and don't eat (I am not recommending this to you, just letting you know what I do), I also am one of those that got lucky and don't feel real hunger.  The whole small meal thing never makes me feel satisfied, I would rather eat one nice meal and 2 snacks then a bunch of small meals which never feel like I ate at all.  Just me, not recommending anything here, when you are 9 years out like I am and at goal you can make your own rules and people have to respect them even if they don't like them and say they can't work, because obviously for me they do.  I made peace with my eating tendencies and instead of denying myself midnight snacks add them to my plan.  You need to figure out what your body is asking for, this really is a learning curve and when you feed yourself what you need your body will give you more weight loss.


Good Luck.

on 10/17/13 7:39 am
Can't say much beyond you are normal !

During my research time before I decided which surgery to do I read all about those post ops who were 6+ months out. I wanted to know What they were going through. I didn't just want to hear the honeymooners' stories. Stalls n getting to know you individually were all over the forums.

Good luck. Do you go to a support group meeting? I attend one and learn so much from post ops.
on 10/21/13 1:11 am

I don't go to a support meeting - this forum actually is what is my support for now.  I can barely get in what I need to on a daily basis, can't even think about adding another meeting in to my routine right now. 

I had a good weekend with a bit more activity than I normally have had lately and dropped 4 pounds over the weekend so now I'm a bit more motivated to keep that level of movement going and hoping this stall is busted.  Will post about that soon!



on 10/17/13 8:20 am
RNY on 05/13/13

I was 5 months post-op on Monday and am down nearly 90 lbs from surgery (289), but I work it every single day. I also don't have more than 800 calories. I met with my nutritionist today and she encouraged me to keep it to 800 until I was about 8 months out and then go to 1000 only if I continued to do my exercising regularly. I currently run a 5K at least three days a week, and sometimes 4 days a week. I also do a number of other exercise types on top of that. If you cannot run or do much weight bearing, how about elliptical or swimming? There is always some exercise option, IMO. 

I have only had one week where I did not lose, sometimes it is only a lb or two, but I do lose consistently. If you started out much lighter, then you will lose more slowly. If you are eating more carbs, you'll lose more slowly. If you are not exercising, you'll lose more slowly. These are all my opinion, not medical fact, but what I have come to have opinions on based on research and listening to many folks-successful and not-and seeing some common threads of each. 

And I do feel hunger at times, though not at all what I used to consider hunger, but I keep my food more consistent. And I am very, very careful to make sure it is not head hunger. I also know that when I hit about 200 calories, I am FULL. I can't think of anything I could eat 300-400 calories of at this point. My husband is a year out tomorrow and can barely do a 350 calorie meal right now. 

I'd shake up what you are doing and get back to losing. But don't sound like a whack job. You sound like someone concerned and wanting some ideas and input. Hopefully I have given you at least a little of both. :)


HW333--SW 289--GW of 160 5' 11" woman.  I only know the way I know & when you ask for input/advice, you'll get the way I've been successful through my surgeon & nutritionist. Please consult your surgeon & nutritionist for how to do it their way.  Biggest regret? Not doing this 10 years ago! Every day is better than the day before...and it was a pretty great day!




on 10/21/13 1:07 am

My sister, who has NOT had WLS but has struggled with her weight most of her life, just not quite to the extent I have, has lost quite a bit on her own through WW and just being really focused - she has 2 kids, one a young teen daughter who was started to get heavy, so she has some really good motivation to relearn and teach better habits.

She recently started running 5ks for fundraisers and she's really toned up alot of that flab that was hanging around - I'm so proud of her!

However, with my bad knees, running is never going to be an option for me, no matter how skinny I may get - those suckers are toast.  I have been walking, bike riding isn't so bad either.  I would LOVE to be able to find the time for water exercising - there is just no way right now to fit that.

It's interesting you say you feel hunger but not the way you used to.  For several months it was like that for me - I actually don't think I was hungry for atleast the first 2 months - I ate because I knew I needed to - getting protein was (and actually still is) my goal.  But the last couple of months hunger came back and it feels the same to me - I can't say I feel starved - but hungry is still hungry to me.  I do try to eat 3 meals a day and do snack 1-3 times between depending on situation and the meals I had eaten.  Breakfast is almost always a light yogurt (I have tried just about all the kinds/brands of greek yogurt and I just can't like it at all) and a protein shake. 

But to clarify, I did go back and check my meal time calories and they are more like 250-maybe 400 at times.  It does look like more a 300-350 range that MOST of my meals fall in to - so that maybe clarifies that - I do continue to TRY to make the better choices - lean meats and lower carb veggies for meal choices - but every once and a while, well - life happens! 

I did get to have a bit more activity in my routine this past weekend at a women's retreat and although I did splurge on an ice cream treat Saturday night and had a few - notsogreat snack choices - I did drop 4 pounds over the weekend so I'm hoping with this little boost and some revived motivation that my stall may be broken...we shall see.  I'm more determined now to get more movement in on a daily basis to get out of this funk!

Thanks again for your input!


Mary Catherine
on 10/17/13 12:57 pm
My secret of never being hungry is lean protein and low carb. If I had a baked potato with my steak and salad, I would be hungry an hour later. If you stick to lean protein, and a few non-starchy vegetables, you will conquer the hunger.

You can continue to lose weight, but it will be slower now. Water aerobics is excellent for bad knees. Or just go to the pool, put on a belt that helps you to float or grab a noodle and just tread water. It will burn a lot of calories with no stress on your knees. If you can get a friend to do it with you, you can talk and the time will go by quickly.
E R.
on 10/17/13 4:00 pm - Switzerland

I am 4.5 months out and I started feeling hungry from 2 months out. I eat between 1000 -1200 cal per day and my NUT is fine with it. I exercise 3x per week for around 1 hour at a time. I also have very bad knees. You could add some weight training, which will not have an impact on your knees. I do  30 min of cardio and 30min of the circuit at the gym.  Read up about resistance training - it helps with burning fat.

On my diet I can have carbs at every meal, so I have carbs. I have however learned that if I eat dense protein, then I am less hungry. 

Stalls are normal, so I will not worry too much, although I know it is frustrating.

you have done very well so far and the fact that you are exercising with your bad knees are great. Keep up the good work!

RNY:  4 June 2013


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