Do you have a set eating schedule?

on 2/5/15 9:23 am
RNY on 12/30/14

The reason I am asking is I need to learn to eat. The reason I gained weight in the first place, besides being inactive after an injury, was because I would get so busy, I would literally forget to eat. Then I'd get home and eat everything in sight.

I am finding that I am still having trouble with this. I just forget to eat. Now though, I'm not able to eat much to get full, and I find myself eating more frequently than I think I am supposed to in the afternoon/evenings, in order to get my protein in for the day.

What is your advice to someone with this issue? I've not seen anything quite like this on here and search yeilded nothing like it either.

Do you have a set eating schedule?

What times do you eat throughout the day?

Do you set some sort of timer, or do you just feel hungry and eat?

Thanks for any advice!



on 2/5/15 9:48 am

I make sure I have breakfast. That is #1 priority. Then I have a protein shake and some nuts handy in case I get caught up in work and stuck at my desk. That keeps me usually until dinner.

on 2/5/15 9:59 am - OH

I have a rough schedule but I'm not real strict about it.

I have breakfast anywhere between 6 am and 8 am.  Depends on when I get up and when I feel hungry.  My dog usually wakes me up about 6 am to go out and then I feed him, but sometimes I am still tired and go back to bed for another hour or two before getting up to eat.

Sometimes mid-morning, I have a snack.  usually.  Occasionally I'm just not hungry for a snack and skip it.

I eat lunch anywhere between 11 am and 1 pm.  Depends on what time I ate breakfast and my morning snack or if I ate a morning snack.

I eat an afternoon snack, somewhere between lunch and dinner.  What time exactly depends on when I eat lunch and when I plan to eat dinner.

I usually have dinner a little after 5 pm, because that's when I feed my dog dinner and I usually eat then, too.

Sometime before bed, I have a snack.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 2/5/15 10:01 am

Yes, l do. I eat breakfast... Always oatmeal w\ unflavored protein powder, made with milk. I have a snack at 10-10:30. Lunch at one. Snack at 3 and dinner between 6-7. I find the days I am at work the better I am at keeping a routine. On weekends I always keep a protein bar or almonds with me so I remember to snack. Every time I eat I take a vitamin

on 2/5/15 10:20 am
RNY on 12/30/14

I work from home, so I'm here all the time. I'm a phone customer service tech support rep, so calls are never scheduled, and you never know how long each will take. It gets pretty busy though. This is part of why I forget. I'm busy doing work and not thinking about food. 

Do you use something to remind you to eat? 



on 2/5/15 11:10 am, edited 2/5/15 11:18 am - MN
RNY on 11/26/12

My post-op eating regime is structured because staying on track seems best with ROUTINE.   The words "hunger" and "full" are words I try not to use for they seem irrelevant.  An everyday goal is to mindfully eat for nutrition and not for celebration, boredom, or emotions.  My radio alarm clock is set to the news at 8 a.m. to which I wake and reach for a 28-ounce bottle of water on the nightstand.  While listening, I drink all the water before getting out of bed.  Then snacks/meals are every three hours throughout the day 9,12,3,6, and 9.  Morning breakfast is a Nutribullet-made smoothie with protein/veggie concentrations the rest of the day.  I tend to eat the same things to make food as small a focus as possible.  Advice for you is to eat every three hours to keep your blood sugars level and to prevent high volume eating late in the day like you mentioned.  Once you get into a routine, it becomes automatic but not necessarily easy.  This advice may not be best but it's working for now, anyway.

on 2/5/15 11:27 am
RNY on 12/30/14

I think I like your routine. Now to implement it into my routine. I think my cell phone has multiple alarms that I can set. I'm going to try to set them up tonight and get a fresh start for tomorrow. 

Next topic will be regarding vitamins. I don't think I'm doing them right either. 



on 2/5/15 11:58 am
Revision on 07/05/16

My eating regimen is similar to others, being closer to the 9,12,3,6,9.  Now for vitamins, I use a weekly pill organizer with 4 times/day compartments. I take them prior to breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime. (Now that I need extra iron, I take them mid-afternoon, and the other half is taken at bedtime).  Here is my med schedule, which doesn't includes doses for B12, vit D and iron (your labs determines the doses). I hope this helps.

Breakfast: multivitamin, calcium citrate x2, B12, Miralax

Lunch: calcium citrate x2, dry vit D

(midday: carbonyl iron with vit C, colace)

Dinner: multivitamin, calcium citrate x2

Bedtime: carbonyl iron with vit C, 2 prescription meds, colace



on 2/5/15 12:03 pm
RNY on 12/30/14

Thanks, I take 10 prescription meds in the morning and 9 at night. Plus the vitamins. I did start another thread regarding my vitamin regimen, check it out for more info. 



MyLady Heidi
on 2/5/15 11:53 pm

 Mon-Fri I do not eating during the day and if I do its a yogurt.  Otherwise I begin eating at dinner and then have two protein forward snacks before bed.  There are plenty of days I do not eat anything at all until after 9pm as I have a friend in a nursing home and if I visit with her I do not eat until I leave.  Those days I eat one meal.  I am ten years out I try to shoot for at least 45 grams of protein a day, no more, so Greek yogurt is always my go-to if I am short protein.  On the weekends I eat two meals as I like.  This has kept me at goal for nearly 10 years.

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