What's on your Monday Menu RNYers?

on 11/13/17 4:56 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Snow again this morning!! Thankfully I left a little early and seemed to beat most of the traffic. And we got our new snow tires so I felt safer on the drive. I have a meeting this morning in a different building -- maybe a 5-10 minute walk outside. Is it acceptable to wear my boots?? I don't want to wear my little ballet flats in the snow...

We had a lovely day yesterday with our friends. We ended up going for lunch, doing some shopping, and then just hanging out at our house for the afternoon. Last night I just chilled on the couch and went to bed early. Feeling pretty good this morning :)

QOTD: blue blue blue!! I love blue and everyone in my family knows it lol. My office is/was blue (we changed it to a bedroom last spring). And our new bathroom is blue - a paler blue, so more neutral. I really want to paint our bedroom a slate grey/blue but DH doesn't want three blue rooms. My car is also blue, and I may have bought that particular one because of the colour. Or new van is grey, but I wanted the royal blue one... It just wasn't as good of a deal.

Post-op two years, eight months.

Breakfast - protein bar

Snack - ham salami sliced meat stuff (you can tell I don't really know what it is)

Lunch - turkey pepperettes

Snack - cheese curds, pepperoni

Dinner - tbd, possibly random leftovers but I hope not

Snack - protein shake if needed

All water and vits.

Teena D.
on 11/13/17 3:29 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 01/12/17

I hope you wore the boots!

RNY Jan 12, 2017 Lost 137 lbs but regained 60.

77 lbs lost and counting!

Losing the regain! I got this!

on 11/13/17 5:27 am

hey all

QOTD: mine is orange. I LOVE it! all shades coral/orange, deep orange. and it looks good on me also.

weight is a little up today, having to reign it in a bit.

I made turkey chili this weekend and lots of veggies for this week.





egg whites

support group is tonight, so will be 1 hour away. needing to run by kohls and pickup an order I placed also.

i want to get the indian food so will be drinking lots of water to counteract that salt. probably tandor chicken

HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

on 11/13/17 5:58 am - Brighton, IL

Since losing weight I love any color but favorites are all shades of purple and blues. I wear all of these but my home is very neutral with blue accents. Lily and I have our 3.8 miles in already and will do another mile after supper. Accountability was good as I was too busy to eat. Post op 5 years 2.5 months and weight at 118.6 today. Heres the food B 1/2 c steel cut oats with protein and peanut butter added L 1 c ham and beans D 31/2 oz ribeye 1/2 c green beans S 5 oz greek yogurt with 1 T granola. Have a great day everyone and make some smart and conscious choices that move you closer to your goal!



on 11/13/17 6:00 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Good Morning Teena and Menu Family!

QOTD: Being an artist I really like ALL the colors of the rainbow and all the shades and tints in between. I have different favorite colors in my wardrobe at different times. I usually choose what to wear each day by what color I'm feeling like that day. I usually lean towards pastels in my clothes. The only color I really don't care for is bright orange, although coral and peach are fine.

I did a psychological study in college where I asked people what color they thought different letters of the alphabet and numerals were. I theorized that students in the arts, theater, music areas would be more likely to associate colors with letters than those in business, science, math majors. I was surprised to find out that MOST people do associate certain colors with letters and numerals. The biggest difference between the two majors was that the arts, theater, music majors thought the study was "interesting", while the business, science, math majors thought the study was "stupid and a waste of time", even though they went through and meticulously recorded very specific colors (like shiny pearl green), for each letter & numeral.

Accountability: Yesterday: Protein - 75, Calories - 1,145, Carbs - 132.

B: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks, light & fit Greek yogurt

L: chicken & broccoli alfredo, light & fit Greek yogurt

D: hamburger patty with melted cheese

S: prosciutto & mozzarella sticks, light & fit Greek yogurt, banana, 2 Atkin's peanut butter cups

E: Walking Blossom around the subdivision

Have a GREAT day everyone!

on 11/13/17 9:02 am

How interesting Karen! (Says the art major)!

on 11/13/17 10:01 am
RNY on 02/19/16

Thank you, Au_Contraire, (says the Art Major with a Psychology Minor).

on 11/13/17 6:06 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! Congrats on your successes Teena-you have done fantastic. I think we are supposed to get later in the week but right now our high temps are mid-60's with a little chill in the air in the mornings. I have a few projects to work on this week and I am trying to stay busy (so time doesn't drag) but since I am on vacation starting next week I don't want to start anything too big that would trail and be left in limbo when I am out.

QOTD: I know it's strange but I can't say I really have a favorite. I think I gravitate towards light blue or pinks though.

Accountability: On Saturday, I passed on popcorn at the movie theater and chips at the Mexican restaurant that we went to for lunch. I did have some protein cake bites and a few extra things over the course of the weekend.

Time since surgery: 3 years 3 months

B: SF latte, eggbeaters with roasted red pepper, ½ an orange and 2 turkey sausage links

L: Albacore lettuce wraps and baby carrots

S: Salami, Carbmaster yogurt, mixed nuts and a SF popsicle when I get home

D: Chicken breast, cauliflower mashers topped with cheese and bacon bits

ES: Homemade Greek yogurt with canned pumpkin and ¼ cup fiber cereal

E: 1 hour stair-climber this morning and 40 mins of elliptical at lunch

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals:1185 Protein:130 Carbs:73 Fat:46

Have a great one!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

Amy Liz
on 11/13/17 7:40 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning everyone!! I know most people hate Mondays, but I actually like them :) Yesterday was lovely. Instead of watching football all day, I watched my favorite movies and enjoyed some much needed time to myself. All comfy on the couch in my pajamas and even had a little nap. I did watch the Patriots beat the Broncos last night, now that was fun!

QOTD - My favorite color is blue - a lot like Liz described - all shades everywhere, blue-greens too. I am so drawn to blues. For decorating, I am more neutrals with accent pops of color - currently it's deep red. I'm ready for a change but it's just not at the top of my list yet. Clothing I'm very basic - black, gray, white, red's and then blue, cream/beige. A fun print or scarf here and there, but mostly solid and simple.

Accountability - great

11mo+ post op - 170.0 - c-o-m-e ON, geez

b-coffee w/hc x 2, SB venti quad latte

l-hot Italian sausage w/onions and peppers

d-taco meat w/ cheese and hot sauce

v/l - on track

Have a wonderful day everyone!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 176 GW 175

on 11/13/17 8:29 am
RNY on 10/27/16

Good Morning!

I got busy with my instant pot this weekend (get your mind out of the gutter ) and made a low-carb cheesecake and beef stroganoff. Both turned out really well. I think I'm getting bored of the same old things I eat so I'm trying to change it up. Also made crack slaw which doesn't last very long. May have to double the recipe next time. I love eating it cold!

QOTD: Generally a deep purple is my favorite, but I like to wear a lot of neutral colors with colorful scarves.


B: coffee with fairlife milk

L: HB egg and crack slaw

S: greek yogurt with strawberries

D:Some kind of meat, salad

S: HB egg

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