There's something wrong with my sleeve....Help

on 4/4/11 12:35 am
I'm seven weeks out and have lost 20 pds. Not a lot of weight. I can eat just about anything. My calories are approx 900-1100. My "nut" wants me at around 1000 calories.I eat every two hours. It's really hard for me to keep my carbs at 40 to 50. I need  variety in my life and I'm so sick of eggs. My carbs for the last week average of 62grams. My protein is great average 70 grams. Water intake is getting better 50 and 64 oz daily. I need to work out more. I will work out on the treadmill this week. I have had company my brother for the last 2 weeks and he loves his sweets so it's been really hard for me to watch him chow down. I did cheat Saturday night and had 2 Chocolate Chip Cookies. I was really upset that I ate the cookies. I wanted to see if I would get sick from the sweets but I didn't greeeeer!!! Oh and I just remembered I gained 2 pds this past week. Way to go!!!! I feel like a failure and the sleeve is not going to work for me. Sorry for the pity party!!! I need words of encouragement.

Thank You,
on 4/4/11 12:47 am - CA
 Im so sorry you are having such a hard time :( I am about 9 weeks out I think and honestly even though my nut and doc push eating 3 meals I do more shakes. I want to take advantage of the first 6 months. I get in my protein and water and take all my vites. My calorie range is between 300 and 600 a day… much closer to 300. I am down 40 pounds this morning and have never once hit a stall. I wouldn't want to tell you to not listen to your doc and nut but Id look personally at calorie and carb intake. I really honestly take in no carbs other than the 2 in my shakes and whatever may be in cheese and almonds. I don't do any fruit or anything like that. I think Ive had 1/4 of a tortilla 3 times since surgery. I did have  a slice of cake this weekend at a babyshower and was sure it would do me in but I still lost a pound the next morning and I feel like that is in part due to the fact that I adhere so strictly otherwise. The rest of that day I just did my two shakes as I didn't feel like I needed to add anymore calories. I have not worked out much. I was an avid workout chick before surgery tho, I do clean till I sweat at least 4 times a week and chase the kids non stop. We went out to dinner last night and they boys were antsy so we ran up and down the side walk in front of the restaurant for like 20 minutes… that really my only exercise. I do eat the same **** over and ******g over but I am really picky eater so its nothing new for me to eat like the same 5 foods for months … lol Im just sharing my experience to give you a view of what I do and whats working for me. Hope you find your nitch babe!
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

jackie W.
on 4/4/11 12:56 am - schenectady, ny
wow jenn you still drink the shakes? I faithfully eat 2-3 ozs of meat for lunch and dinner and a greek yogurt so i dont have to.I have a real hard time getting the shakes down.i have lost 25 since march u think I still should be doing shakes??
on 4/4/11 1:09 am - CA
 Im no expert… at all.. lol but theres no way I can get in 60 grams of protein without them and I just am aiming for now to not try and eat a lot cause I already know I can eat any foods and I wanna keep this weightloss going as long and fast as I can. I did shakes for years before surgery though so I am used to them. I think you're doing great though. 25 pounds in a month! Hell yeah. That sounds good. Maybe keep a few shakes in your car for days when your out about and cant get all your protein in. I do that so Im never tempted… lol Looks like you're on the right track baby. 
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

on 4/4/11 1:40 am
 oh my goodness jen! i had surgery 7 days before you and have lost 30 lbs..20 of those were in the first few weeks and i've been the same weight now for three weeks.  i do eat EVERYTHING now...the only thing i haven't had is the peels of fruit.  this makes me think that i may need to get back to the basics of just taking in protein...   i was told by my dr to have about 600-800 during the losing phase (i tend to be closer to 800 most of the time).

so you have two shakes..some cheese and almonds everyday?
on 4/4/11 2:04 am - CA
 I was told to do about the same as you.. I am not allowed ANY carbs by my doc at all. Not that I follow everything he says anyway. LOL I am supposed to be in your calorie range. I eat the same few foods Eggs (1/2 an egg) steak ground beef, cheese, almonds, chicken, lunch meat, sausage, pinto and refried beans, cottage cheese, yogurt, and pepperoni. I would say 5 out of 7 days I have 2 shakes and one meal and if I want something to chew on in between like 6 almonds randomly. the other two days Ill have two meals and one shake but my meals are like 2oz of some of the above foods. I never ever eat till I feel full. I am sure I could eat more than 2oz but seeing as I feel no physical hunger I don't see why I would want to, ya know? somedays when Im super naughty… Ill do two shakes and a carb smart ice cream. Not the best choice but Im human and my main focus is vitas, protein and water so a lil mess up here is expected. I have never had a week when I didn't lose. Last week was my second week with only a 1 pound loss but this week Im already at 2 pounds down. Thats what works for me, I just don't want to get in the habit of eating a lot yet. I personally will do a morning shake forever. I have for years already, if I don't I skip breakfast as I don't have time or interest in food in the morning and I know I need something. I plan on doing two regular type meals a day when I hit goal. To be honest tho, I eat like this 99 percent of the time but if I want a bite of pizza I have it, or  a random cracker with peanut butter I have it.. Even ate half a taco once, a little of a burrito bowl. I am human and give into my urges … but just always go back to the basics ya know?
HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

on 4/4/11 1:56 am - Lancaster, NY
I am say you are still drinking the shakes?   What kind do you drink?

My surgery is a week from today and Ihave been doing the shakes for the past week.  The kind my surgeon insists on are really terrible.  I cannot wait to stop drinking them.    I am going to get the unflavored powder to add to my food and hope that helps me get enough protein.    I wouldn't mind drinking a shake or two a day if I liked the taste.
“...but with God all things are possible."  - Matthew 19:26                        
on 4/4/11 2:05 am - CA
 I do premier protein shake in chocolate from Costco

HW 275   SW 229   CW 136 

jackie W.
on 4/4/11 12:48 am - schenectady, ny
Joanne dont beat your self up,its great your getting your protien and your water just take  a step back back and work on reducing the carbs,as for the cookies that was last week you are not a failure just follow your program and your sleeve will do its job.
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/11 12:59 am
Consider your waist size, how you feel, and all the other tangible/intangibles except just the weight.

I haven't lost a pound in a month but I'm down another pants size.  One of my co-workers didn't lose 20 pounds for her first two months but has dropped 8 sizes I think, now the weight's falling off.

You're in it for the long haul.  Add more stuff to your diet, grilled chicken, steak, shrimp, throw in some green stuff (I imagine at this point you're cleared for solids???).

A couple of cookies isn't the end of the world, just don't get excessive with it and always make sure you've gotten your core protein and vegetables in first.  It does suck when you realize you can eat anything you want to :).

The only way to fail is to give up and eat around the surgery, it will work, keep your head up, add some new foods into the mix, and you'll be fine.  

If you miss fried foods at all try battering anything you'd fry in egg and crushed melba toast and bake it....tastes really good and allows you to eat a whole new variety of stuff (catfish, shrimp, cube steak, chicken fingers, chicken breasts) that still has a good taste and texture.
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