OT: my kids

on 4/17/11 11:58 pm
Okay, this has NOTHING to do with my sleeve or weight loss, but I just kind of need to "talk" to somebody and ya'll are friends..........

I left two out of three kids crying at their schools this morning.

Our son, who is 4, because he had a five star tantrum.  He wanted his sisters' easter eggs they were taking for class and when I told him no, just had a meltdown.  Running back to the parking lot, not going in to class. Telling me no to my face.  So, he got a five count and when he didn't become compliant, a swat on the rear.  He got mad over that and tried to hit me in the face, which in our house is an automatic swat.  (Now, before you call CPS on me, we don't swat hard or frequently.) So, he was indignant over the swats and decided he was going to sit in the hall and cry.  I told the teacher it was okay to let him miss snack time if he didn't come in and left. (its our church preschool and they would call me if they needed me)

SO...went back to the girls' school to talk to a teacher about points dissappearing off of one of their tests.  Got that taken care of easily.  Saw a 5th grader selling beef jerky to the classes and bought each of the girls one for a surprise.  Went to take it to their classroom and saw one of them already had one.  Now, I knew she hadn't taken any of her allowance money and that the only cash she had was her milk money for lunch for the week.  Had her come out to the hall.  She knew what was up.  Told me that since it was only a dollar and she thought she was supposed to have a dollar and a half, she just went ahead and spent it.  I told her that they only had school three days this week and that mommy always knows how much she needs for milk.  Then I took away the jerky she bought and gave her teacher milk money for her for the week.  Them I gave my other daughter the jerky I had bought for her and left. (they're twins and in 2nd grade).  So, the one was bawling when I left.  I told her it wasn't about the money, because we have plenty, but about doing what she was supposed to do.

Its just SO frustrating!  We're trying to teach them to be responsible people.  To have self control and do what they should.  But I HATE having them cry for any reason, and I know that they're going to be upset all day.ARGGGGGGGGGG!! 
 I'm 6' tall and 41 years old
on 4/18/11 12:02 am
Ahhh, I've had mornings like this. I've actually gone back to the school to talk to my daughter (she's almost 16 now) when I knew I was wrong or overreacted just so I didn't feel bad all day.  Not saying you need to do that, just saying I've had to do that before.

It's the worst feeling when you leave them at school crying.  I don't have any words of wisdom because we still have days like this from time to time, but just letting you know I can relate.
I've started blogging my journey here at OH

Single incision lap VSG 10/21/2010

Height 5'2
Pre-op weight: 260
Day of surgery: 240
Current weight: 190

on 4/18/11 1:07 am - Salina, KS
Mornings suck in general, and mornings like that are frustrating, but I have to say you sound like the kind of mom I look up to. I have a second grader, and it took me awhile to learn not to give in to crying. It's hard to see your kid cry, but it's best for them to not get rewarded for bad behavior. We all know the adults whose mom never told them no, and let them do everything they wanted. Not the kind of people we want our kiddos to be when they grow up, right?! You are a good mom! I hope the kids don't let these little things ruin their day, and you all can have a great afternoon. Hugs!
Amy  -- 5'8"
(deactivated member)
on 4/18/11 1:08 am
You are not alone. All us moms have days like this. Not that that makes it any easier. Just know you're doing the right thing by not giving in and spoiling them. You're being a good mom, even though it feels like ****!
Candy S.
on 4/18/11 1:36 am - Elgin, SC
You did the right thing.  I really doubt that they are fretting over it as much as you are.  They probably got over it within minutes of you leaving.  But, oh, that mother's guilt...  It's a killer!  They will be fine and they will get over it and you should too.  You are teaching them the values to be good adults and not hoodlums.  You did good.  Shake it off and have a great day (cuz they probably are )
Height: 5'3" | HW: 262 | SW: 237 | CW: 130 | GW: 135

on 4/18/11 3:24 am
I have a great kiddo story for you:

We used to live in West Carthage, NY when my son was beginning Kindergarten. Zach was in his second week of a Catholic school and the previous week we had experienced a melt down because he had forgotten his "Sharing". Too far away to go home and get something to share before his half day was over. Picked him up and he was still mad. Everyone had sharing items except him. So, the teacher says that he can go first the following week. The next week arrives and I asked Zach if he had something for Sharing. He said, "Yeah, it's in my backpack!" I didn't question him anymore and drove him to school and went on to work. About two hours later I get a call from a FURIOUS nun. "Do you know what your son brought for sharing?" she asked. I said no. "A TAMPON! ...and he said they're used to keep his dog's ears up!" I lost it! I was laughing so hard! We had a Great Dane puppy with cropped ears and were using the cardboard tube tampons to tape up his ears! The nun was so mad that I was laughing. And I just couldn't stop!!

Kids... Whatcha gonna do?


HW: 250 SW: 224 GW: 135 CW: 124

on 4/18/11 7:27 am - holt, MO
 I have raised alot of kids (forty plus) and six biological.

When a child is trowing temper tanrums like that- one of the best things you can do is to tell them "You are free to act like this. but I am free to choose your consequeces."

Some kids react well to logic, others a spanking, some by ignoring, others putting them in the corner etc.

But when  a child tries to strike you, you need to have a strong long lasting consequence.

When my son was six he tried to hit his mother and also tried to break some dvd's and games. The consequence: we boxed up the entire video system- dvd player, wii station, games, movies all of it. Then we put it into the attic.  It took him three months to EARN the system back.  Of course it affected everyone because for three months nobody could play movies or games. (we only have one tv in the house.)  The result- everybody knows that mom and dad are serious about kids treating us with respect.  They can have other opinions, but we have the final say.

What was funny was that we had some comments from people that we might be abusive becuase the kids couldn'****ch tv or play video games during that time.  My response to them: my job is not to entertain the children but to train them on being good people.  

My son is now eight and has never tried to hit or scream at an adult again.  

God bless and good luck raising kids is the toughest job you will ever face.
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