Tell me again this is a good idea.

on 5/25/14 3:22 am

I have not had a chance to actually update my page, I will soon, but I am a returning WLS seeker who is on the journey of surgery again. I have never gone through with it and let me tell you I started here on obesityhelp ten years ago when i was 30. Since then I was denied once, I actually BACKED out of surgery (RNY) the DAY BEFORE on round 2, and all along those years I contemplated back and forth what I should do. In that ten years I have lost and gained close to 100 pounds TWICE (*and a various of loss and gain within that zone as well along the way.}

My 40th birthday just passed this month and I am about 12 pounds away from my highest weight once again. So now, I am heading down this journey and aiming for the sleeve this time. For me that is the surgery I think i wanted most anyhow, so maybe that is why the time is NOW not then (surgeon did not offer it then, but ALL WLS I support, its just an individual choice and what fits the person).  

ANYHOW, Over the past ten years, I have not been permanently successful on my own and like so many other posters have said this is the step that will help us to fight that battle to keep it off. It is definitely a big change and a permanent one. It does not have to be something we miss out on things, food, or life with, instead it will open up new doors to experience life differently. Figure out what things are good and healthy for us that we ignored all along.  I completely understand the fear, and i KNOW closer to my surgery date I will be doing exactly what you are and questioning myself. I just have to hold onto the fear of what ten years from now will bring if i don't go through with it. If history repeats itself, going the same path I am now will have a very harsh reality in the end. I can not possibly imagine how much harder it would be than what I deal with now, but i thought at 30 i was bad. Good luck, I look forward to seeing where this journey leads you. 

 signatureshort.jpg picture by desertdancer2008  

diane S.
on 5/25/14 4:00 am

believe me you are doing the right thing. there are chemical/hormonal reasons why people who lose weight can't keep it off. your hunger hormone ghrelin increases fivefold and you are driven to regain. that doesn't happen after vsg because the removed stomach portion is where much of grehlin is manufactured.  sleeve makes it so much easier to eat responsibly.

and after a time you will be able to enjoy a normal meal - just smaller portions - but it will seem fine.   and yes you can enjoy a bit of chocolate or small brownie when you reach goal.   I have a square or two of dove choc most days and have been maintaining at 120 or so for nearly 4 years.  the key is to follow a good post surgery plan and get your protein and water in,  and by doing so develop new habits so that when you get to goal, those new habits are ingrained and you don't slip back into old bad ones.    this time you will win.   gl   diane

                   Join US On The VSG Maintenance Group Forum!! 
on 5/25/14 4:41 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Awww I saw your post on the homepage and though I did not have VSG (I had RNY almost 8 years ago now) I wanted to share with you that having weight loss surgery was the BEST GIFT I EVER GAVE MYSELF. Hope if you choose to have surgical assistance you will soon feel the same way... and yes... "normal" is on the other side of the decision though some things I did pre-op were far from normal... I often ate meals that could have fed a family of 4, ate a lot of foods that though tasty were not the best choices, so you may decide like I have that certain foods and behaviors just are not a part of your new healthy life...  but really there is not a whole lot you can't eat (brownie and chocolate) or do after a short period of adjustment/healing time.

Hope this helps... after-weight-loss-surgery-q-a.html 

Best wishes with whatever decision you make!

~Michelle "Shelly"


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 5/25/14 6:24 am
VSG on 10/09/12

Am I ever going to be able to eat a normal meal again?

- oh yes! You are going to be astounded because the early months post op are going to be very different from the rest of your life. You will be able to eat a notmal meal again for sure. You may not want to...but you certainly will be able to.

Will I ever be able to enjoy a piece of chocolate or a brownie?

- oh yes, again!

Will I get dehydrated every time I go for a bike ride?

- not if you drink your fluids!

Can't I just lose weight the normal way, by eating right and exercising? 

- nope


View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 5/25/14 7:32 am

All normal normal normal.  I burst into tears day of surgery....thought I was nuts!!  Anyway, yes, you will eat things again, yes you might get a bit dehydrated in the earlier stages (I did even though I drank like a fiend), and there are about 2% of us that can remove the weight and keep it off.......the odds are what they are.  I knew FOR SURE, that I would NEVER get the weight off and have a hope in the world of keeping it off with any level of success.  It is a "start fresh" point....I don't expect I will be perfect all the way along, but I have given myself a fighting chance to be healthier and more "normal"!

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 5/25/14 8:41 am

I've never been unhappier than the two weeks right after surgery. Mind you-I did this over my Christmas break from school. Would I do it again?  In a NY minute.
I was too focused on the short term. I couldn't see beyond the end of the day. I've lost over 40 pounds and I am thrilled. You WILL have those "O sh*t" days.  But they will
pass.  Good luck.

on 5/25/14 9:23 am

My surgery is June 10th and my husband's surgery is Tuesday. I feel the *exact* same way as you, word for word. My husband has already lost 20 pounds on day 5 of the liquid diet and I can physically see his results already. It's making me a bit jealous, a little more excited for surgery and making it seem a little more 'real'. When you get worried about it, I find it helps to look at before and after pictures of people who have had the surgery. It's really amazing how far people come in such a short time. It definitely gives me inspiration. Please message me if you'd like to talk since we're in similar situations.

on 5/25/14 9:30 am

Thank you everyone for the unbelievable support. There is no way that I could go through with surgery without hearing from so many people who are so happy they did it. I hope my experience will be just as good. I am so ready for the new me!


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