Ready to be 100% This is tough !!!

on 1/1/12 2:50 am - Chester, PA
I know I am going to sound like a big baby but am I supposed to feel like this?  I am 5 days out of surgery and getting better by the day but definitely not 100%.  I have pains here and there that are a mixture of gas and recovery pain and I am finding it more and more difficult to get my meds down.  They make me so nauseous even the smell of them.  I am terrified of vomiting so I try to take them slowly so they don't come back up but it is getting more difficult by the day. Is this normal. My mind is ready to get up and out but my body is definitely screaming sit down and let me heal which I am doing.  I am not hungry physically but I want to taste something other than tylenol, crushed pills, jello, water and broth.  I want to chew food but I would never as the thought of vomiting is what I fear most. I frequently go for walks and have been reading but the medicine keeps me sleepy and woozy all day. I definitely didn't think it was going to be easy but this is a lot harder than I expected. Any pointers anyone how did you keep yourself motivated and is this how I am supposed to feel?
on 1/1/12 3:30 am - VA
 I never could handle crushed meds, so I only cut them in half and used capsules rather than pills. Seems that smells and tastes are in overdrive during this time but it does ease some. I barely felt human until 2 weeks post-op and by 15 days, I was able to work my desk job half days.

Keep pushing the fluids and if you get to a point that even fluids won't stay down call your doc --could be a stricture.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/1/12 4:56 am
RNY on 12/27/11 with
 It's a process. I'm going through it too. My doctor gave me liquid Roxicet. The consistency is a lot like a cough syrup. I take it after I have eaten.

I eat popscicles, jello, and half soup/half broth mixture. I bought the Organic Natural Imagine soups. I like the broccoli the best. I mix half a cup of chicken or vegetable broth and a half a cup of soup. It does really well for me. It takes me about an hour to finish and I have to heat it up again in between but it's good.

I also drink Lipton Green tea iced tea. 

I also have the yoplait frozen smoothies. I make them very thin with 1% milk. They last me very long because I can't drink the whole thing. 

The fudgescicles and popscicles help a lot. I also have some Wonder Slim pudding and some oatmeal that I make very very thin. 

I have a lot of gas as well. I walk around the house to get it out and drink the hot soup and sugarless tea. 

All of my vitamins are chewable. I got the kid multivitamins, the chocolate Cs, and the sublingual B-12 from I got the chewable Cs from GNC for $9.99 on sale. I think the regular is $14.99

I know everyone is different but you might want to try some of what I am doing. 

Most of the pain come from the part where they had that dumping coming out. You'll be fine. Just rest and give your body time to catch up to the new you. Remember you just had a major surgery. You body is getting used to all of this just like you are....and nothing good is ever easy. 
on 1/1/12 5:08 am - Riverton, UT
 I don't have any advice except sleep as much as your body needs it.  You have just shocked your system in a major way.  I feel bad for you and hope you feel better soon!  
Start weight 226. Surgery weight 218 on 1/6/12    
on 1/1/12 5:33 am - Chester, PA
Thanks so much everyone. I am actually on a stage 1 bariatric diet which can only consist of clear liquids until I have my follow up appointment on Friday with my surgeon. I am on pain meds, antibiotics, blood pressure meds, and prilosec only until then. I know the lack of food and nutrients are having an impact as well. I so wish I could have some of the frozen yogurts and oatmeal but not until I get approved for stage 2. Gina when you split your pills in half and took the capsules did they go down ok ? I think not tasting them would make things much easier. I'm getting there. Thanks everyone. I will try the tea any other suggestions for clear liquid options.
on 1/1/12 8:52 am - VA
I never had any trouble taking my meds and vitamins that way. I'd take a piece or 1 capsule, rest and take another one. Take is slow and it will get better.


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 1/1/12 1:01 pm
Hey we had surgery on the same day! Are you drinking protein? I too am still on my clear liquid stage of my diet, but drinking protein. The nurses told me I needed this to heal.  I started taking pills that were split in half on day two. I have been going on 3-4 hour hour outings since my release on Friday.  I ended up staying one additional night in the hospital because my left lung collapsed :-(  Right now I feel pretty good though.  My left side is sore and hurts like heck to get in and out of my car.  Do you feel hungry right now or are you missing food? I do not feel hungry and it is so weird for me.  I hope you feel better soon

Deb K
on 1/1/12 6:08 am
 Try chewing sugar free Peppermint gum, DO NOT SWALLOW IT!!!  It is helpful for me now and I am almost 7 yrs out. Rest, Sip, Sleep and take meds that is your only job right now. You are doing very well and you will improve everyday. God bless and take care.
on 1/1/12 6:34 am - Northern, CA
You won't feel totally 100% until about 3-6 months. That doesn't mean you will feel crappy (heck, I was going to the gym 3-4 days a week at 1 month out) but you will not feel totally normal either.

So just go with it, I say!

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Price S.
on 1/1/12 7:18 am - Mills River, NC
Feeling crappy is pretty normal.  Nausea isn't.  Did your Dr give you something for nausea?  If not, get something. 

Each phase is short and you will be out of this one soon enoght.  Just stay on program and get your fluids in.  Walk and rest. 

It will get better.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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