Beginning weight journey


new beginning
August 6, 2012 4:17 am
I went for a weigh in today at my dr's office and was happy to find out I did not gain and I did not lose. I stayed the same since last week. I was really happy but deep down inside, I feel like I have given up on my food. It's very hard for me because I have celiacs spru disease. I just can't give up my carbs like breads , bagels, and desserts. It's horrible. I am not really a huge cook because I am just learning to with my dietician. =)
 Today we are going to attempt to make a gluten free pizza. I am putting on it artichokes, mushrooms, spinach, and feta. It sounds yummy but I am hoping it turns out that way. If anyone is out there who is also gluten free and has some recipes they would like to share, Please post them . I would love to try to make new things. Thanks.
 I need to focus on exercising more. I don't do enough and don't know what I can handle due to my weight issues and also have a fib( heart disease) I have to be really careful. I am trying to find a place that has a pool that I could use. I love to go swimming. It's really enjoyable. I will look around. Please feel free to post things. I would like the support as well. Thanks.
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