Lose Weight Find Life

New to group.

on 9/30/10 12:03 am, edited 9/30/10 12:04 am - Hillrose, CO
Hello everyone, I am new to the group. I have a surgery date scheduled for November 8th. I am so excited about that. I am really excited also to meet new friends who care and will not look down on me because of my weight. My excess weight has brought with it heart break, sadness, depression, pain, and stress. My weight has ruined my life. I am ready to take this step for my health. I hate that this is what I have become. I hate that my kids have to see me like this. See I know deep down there is more to me than my weight I am a caring, loving, fun, and happy person. I cant wait to be able to show who I really am on the outside. I hope I can make this journey with you all....
 Sabrina Moreno... Mom to 4 wonderful boys who will help me in my journey..  
Cathy W.
on 9/30/10 7:35 am
Hi Sabrina,

Welcome to my OH Group.  I'm so happy you are a member. 

November 8th is right around the corner.  I hope you'll post and keep me updated on how you're doing as your date gets closer.  Please let us know how you're doing after your surgery. 

Who you really are is on the inside and that is what matters most.  You're taking this step for your health and live your best life!

I hope you'll also hang out with me on my personal blog as I post different things there.  My personal blog is:


Take care, Cathy


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