
May 25, 2012

 Well, it has been a very long while since I have been on here. I had put things on hold for a bit so that I could think about what was going on and how bad I really wanted/needed change. 

First I started playing mind games with myself. I "only" need to loose about 100 lbs. I can do that on my own, I am just being lazy about everything. Then I went on a juice only diet to cleanse and get into rapid weight loss. I lost about 15 lbs and was thrilled. So, I canceled all my surgery apts and kept going. Then I stalled...then I kept trying different things and nothing was working. Hmmmm I have been here before. 

So, I figured I would at least do all the apts while I tried to loose the weight. If, by the time I was ready for the surgery I had lost the weight I wanted to loose, then great, I would not need the surgery. If I had not then at least I would not have to wait any longer for the surgery to come around. So, I started making plans for the apts again that I still needed to get set up. 

I was trucking along and had made all the apts I needed to make. I knew some of them were to be after we got back from vacation in FL. So, I had a little bit of time for those, but I had one set up for the 23rd of April for my upper GI.

Then we got a life changing phone call on the 19th. My father who has been ill for some time, would not likely make it through the night. We had been expecting him to pass away sometime this Summer, but I had plans to do see him after our trip to FL and before my surgery. An hour after that phone call he was gone. It crushed me and I have been having a hard time since then. Instead of having my upper GI apt on the 23rd, we buried my father. I had to take some time off to gather my thoughts and figure things out. 

I am getting back on track. I had my Psych apt last Monday. She and I agreed that while I am cleared for surgery, it would be a good idea to find someone to talk to as more emotions might come up after my surgery. Whew, that ones done. 

Next I had to have this IDEXA scan thing done. I think it's a waste of money, but our office requires it. So, I had that done as well as a cardio coach thing that also, didn't tell me much. I finally was able to reschedule my upper GI and had that done on Wed as well as a couple other tests. So, the only ones I have left is a nutrition/exercise apt next Thursday to set up my plans and goals for before and after surgery. I am pretty excited about that! After those apts I have the insurance waiting game to look forward too. 


About Me
Concord, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Date of Surgery: 7/27/12
Total weight loss to date: 115 lbs

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