
Jul 26, 2012

 Well, I had my surgery on Tuesday. I was pretty nervous about it but then friend hugged me and my husband kissed me and the nurse gave me some kind of drugs she called a margarita and that's all I remember until I woke up in recovery. I guess my surgeon even came by and I talked to him. I have no memory of that. 

I spent much of Tuesday sleeping with some family in and out to visit me. I was not as bad off pain wise as I expected to be on Tuesday. 
Wednesday I was a little more sore and had trouble walking.  I was very unsteady on my feet. My legs felt as though they were jello. I walked a few times and finally was able to pee so they didn't have to put my cath back in
Today I am sore...so very sore. The vein my IV was in blew this morning and now that arm is very sore. I am a lot more tired than I thought I would be and a lot weaker than I expected. I am going to have to start getting some protein and calories in soon. I am not hungry, so I will just have to take it nice and slow. 

It feels weird to be on this side of surgery. I did "gain" a few lbs being in the hospital but the Dr said its from all the swelling and water and that walking will help that. 


About Me
Concord, NC
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2012
Member Since

Before & After
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Date of Surgery: 7/27/12
Total weight loss to date: 115 lbs

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