Final "Checks"

Aug 14, 2011

This week am I checking off the final checks on my to do list before my name goes on the list for surgery. I can't believe how quickly it is all coming together compared to some of the journey's out there. Last week I had my Upper GI test done. It was pretty easy, but I could of done without 1 or more both of those chalky drinks *blah*! Tomorrow I have my psych appointment, honestly I'm not too worried about it. I think my head is in the right place and all of the fears and anxiety I have are all normal. The last thing I have to do before my name goes on the list is the 4 hour class on Thursday. I think after that it will become really really Real that I am doing this. I am finally over beating myself up that I am giving up on myself by having RNY done, that was really hard to accept that I am actually givng myself More by doing this! The biggest issue I'm having is telling people. Some people it just rolls off of my tongue (that makes it sound like I've told a lot of people and I really haven't). Besides my family, DH, and about 5 others nobody knows. I thought I would have and easy time telling certain people and it hasn't been. I hope that once I get a date and get closer to it I will be able to just get it out there. Being in the military I need to be able to rely on friends with DH being deployed. day at a time! Going to focus on getting this check list in and getting my name on the list!! Then cross my fingers and pray that the surgeons come home soon...and safely!


About Me
Ft Campbell, KY
Surgery Date
Jul 18, 2011
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