Two Days Post-Op - feeling fine

Oct 22, 2011

 I walked almost two miles in the hospital today (not all at one time). I had a lot of energy and I was bored. And lying in that bed just hurt my back more. So I walked. and sipped. I still didn't get all of the 30 ounces of water in that I was supposed to drink before 2 pm, but they let me go home anyway. It was odd when the nurse came in with my discharge papers. I was all set to have her record my urine output so I could pee again. But it turns out she didn't care anymore. 

The shower this morning after they took my IV out was freakin' awesome. I was feeling uber greasy, and since my hair was already coming out quite a bit, I just wanted to be clean and not covered in hair for a bit. 

I have six incisions on my abdomen. No drainage tube. They glued my incisions shut. I really have very little pain, considering. I can feel things have shfited in my torso, and that aches a little bit every now and then, but I'm feeling pretty darn good. 

The biggest "yay" I have is that I have had no nausea. We were all scared about that, and my surgeon even wanted me to consider letting him put a feeding tube in right away during surgery. This was due to the fact that with both of my pregnancies I had hyper-emesis, and my surgeon has had some bad experiences with ladies who had hyperemesis. But no real nausea.

Getting to know my new pouch is kind of interesting. The little guy HATES cold or room temperature stuff. I'm hoping he'll like popsicles. But the only thing I could really tolerate without getting an instant bloat feeling was the chicken broth. It was very disappointing to have Dr. tell me I had to drink 30 ounces of plain water today before I could go home. But I would just slide a sip into my mouth, rinse it around a bit and let it slide down my throat. Then Tummy pouch didn't hate it quite as much. Walking afterwards helped, but mostly because it distracted me from the icky tight sensation across my abdomen. 

So that's me, two days post-op. I'm sitting in my living room with my medicine cup of chicken broth, sipping away. I'm immensely grateful for making it through surgery alive and with no complications. Praise God!


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May 29, 2011
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