My Pouch, My Friend

Nov 04, 2011

The dinner of champions: spaghettios. Mr. Pouch likes it. So I eat a little. Not the greatest choice, but it's not a usual occurence. I ate too fast, so I'm sitting here all gurgly, feeling overly full, which is a sucky feeling. 

I'm hoping to get to go for a walk tonight and pray the rosary again. I did that every night when I first started this journey, and praying the holy mysteries took my mind off the uncomfortableness of a 280-pound body walking. I'm far less than that now, but I still don't have all my breath back since the surgery. Either go for a walk, or I"m going to do 2 Really Big Miles with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. 

I've been in a funk the last two days. The scale hasn't moved, but then I started my period this morning, so I figure that's why I've been so hungry and irritable lately. I'm hoping the menstruation will help resolve some of the residual yeast infection issues I've been having. Ever since I was a teenager, the first day of my period is full of vomiting, diarrhea and the chills, and this month is no different. I'm anxious to bounce back from that. 

Today I made the hard decision (with the husband) to stop homeschooling and enroll my 5.5yo DS in kindergarten. He's so bored all the time, and I'm just not organized enough to make homelife enjoyable enough. And when he's around kids, they are usually his little sister's age, and he misses having boy-type friends who think transformers are awesome. So the big question is where to send him. I'm very active in our neighborhood Catholic parish. I am a recent convert, so I'm involved in some of the ministry side, but my biggest contribution is that I'm the bulletin editor and web admin. It's a big parish - over 1200 families, and it feels like home. Anyway. There's an elementary school attached to the church, St. Anne's, so that's really my first choice to send Ben. We go there every Wednesday to attend the school mass so my kids can see lots of little kids being well behaved at church. The tuition for private school is prohibitive, however, and we don't have an extra 200 bucks a month. I don't think they provide financial aid in the middle of the school year since the application timeframe for aid for ths school year ended last April. We'll see. I asked the parish office if I could get the stipend that they offered for my freelance design stuff way back last year when I first started. If they agree, that'll mean the cost of tuition will only be about 100 bucks. AND... we made the horrendous decision to cut off expanded cable and switch to basic. That'll save us another 50. 

If all else fails, Ben can go to the neighborhood public school for free. I'm okay with that, but since I'd want to apply for a scholarship to St. Anne's in the spring, it would mean making Ben switch schools, and I don't think he'd handle that very well. Ugh. I wish I was organized enough to keep homeschooling. I just can't seem to challenge him enough. We have a local homeschool group, but I'm not really comfortable there. They have this very specific mission statement that includes a statement of faith that overtly excludes Catholics. I'm sure they are very nice people, but I don't know where that bias will show up. 

So my pouch. I was so excited today when I realized I didn't have to sip such miniscule sips anymore.  I can't gulp several gulps in a row, but I can take a normal drink of something. Yay! Carbs are evil. Even a grain of rice makes me feel like my pouch is going to explode. Unpleasant. I'm anxious for the weight to start coming off again. 


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