First Post... a little late.

Aug 21, 2015

I probably should have started doing this months ago, but better late than never, I guess.  I've already had my surgery.  Dr. Halmi and his team in Woodbridge did a fantastic job and there have been no complications.  I've been over weight since I was 12.  I'm 6'3" now, and I've always been big enough/strong enough that my weight never really kept me from doing anything, including the 20 years I spent in the military (most of that on mandatory weight programs).  But I find that the older I get, the less true that is.  The last straw came last September, when I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.

So, I turned 50 last month, and this surgery was my present to myself.  I started my pre-surgical diet on July 14th, and on that day I weighed 331 lbs.  I had my surgery on July 28th, already having lost 13 lbs just from the diet.  This morning I weighed 281.  50 lbs gone in less than 6 weeks.  I can't believe how fast the weight is coming off.  I know it won't keep this pace for much longer, but I'm loving it.

Mostly, I feel great.  I'm still in the "mushy" stage, and I get tired more easily than I used to, but I expect (hope) that will change.  My initial goal is to get down to 225.  From there, we'll see...


About Me
Aug 21, 2015
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