And we're off again...

Sep 17, 2015

I stayed stuck at 283 or so for nearly three weeks.  Not sure why, other than my body just saying "Holy Shit!" and shutting down my metabolism as much as it could.  But, finally, the weight is starting to come back off.  Down to 273 as of this morning!


I've encountered the 'P' word

Aug 25, 2015

As in "plateau"...  Since my race to 281 I've been stuck there.  Actually I gained two pounds and am now stuck at 283.  I still look like I'm getting smaller, but I haven't been measuring myself, so I can't check.  I don't want to bother with that, frankly; so long as I feel and look better, I don't need that level of precision.

But this plateau is disconcerting.  I've read that they're common.  I just hope they're not lengthy...


Papaya Enzyme

Aug 21, 2015

Just wanted to add a note about this stuff.  Frankly, it sounded too good to be true.  It's not.  I had a scrambled egg for breakfast the other day and even though I ate slowly and chewed thoroughly, it got "stuck" and hurt like the dickens for a few hours.  (I had been having eggs for a week now with no trouble).  I sipped water and tea and wound up vomiting both of those back up.  So went to WalMart and bought a bottle for less than $5.  I chewed 3 of the tablets (they're tasty, too... kind of like those orange-flavored baby aspirin)  and 20 minutes later the pain was gone.  Now I keep some at home, at work, and on my keychain.  Great stuff!


First Post... a little late.

Aug 21, 2015

I probably should have started doing this months ago, but better late than never, I guess.  I've already had my surgery.  Dr. Halmi and his team in Woodbridge did a fantastic job and there have been no complications.  I've been over weight since I was 12.  I'm 6'3" now, and I've always been big enough/strong enough that my weight never really kept me from doing anything, including the 20 years I spent in the military (most of that on mandatory weight programs).  But I find that the older I get, the less true that is.  The last straw came last September, when I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes.

So, I turned 50 last month, and this surgery was my present to myself.  I started my pre-surgical diet on July 14th, and on that day I weighed 331 lbs.  I had my surgery on July 28th, already having lost 13 lbs just from the diet.  This morning I weighed 281.  50 lbs gone in less than 6 weeks.  I can't believe how fast the weight is coming off.  I know it won't keep this pace for much longer, but I'm loving it.

Mostly, I feel great.  I'm still in the "mushy" stage, and I get tired more easily than I used to, but I expect (hope) that will change.  My initial goal is to get down to 225.  From there, we'll see...


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Aug 21, 2015
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