Optifast day #4

Apr 23, 2011

I'm on day four of Optifast. I've just been sticking with the chocolate flavoured blended with ice and a raspberry Crystal Light. I've got 16 down, 68 to go. I can do this. I bought a scale at Walmart today and I'm down to 291.4. That's amazing because I'm sure I was back up over 300, most likely 310 by the time I was done with Vegas and my "lasts". The bra that started digging into me brutally in the past two weeks is confirming what the scale is saying. It's better.

The only time I've been hungry since starting Optifast is when I go over the four hours without the shake or if I haven't had enough water. Not enough water doesn't seem to be a problem because this stuff has me sooooo parched. It's amazing how quickly four hours goes by sometimes and I have to "eat" again. I'm used to grazing all day and munching the night away. That's been the hardest adjustment; not eating.

I've been blessed with a wicked flu so I've been supplementing the Optifast with low-fat broths. That's allowed fyi and they're so salty that they help my poor throat. With the flu I've got headaches, body aches and fatigue. Not related to Optifast of course. Or is it...

I really tested myself last night by taking my son to McDisgusting's and then to the movie theatre to see RIo. Not throwing a french fry or a piece of popcorn in my face was difficult but I know that "one is too many and a thousand is never enough" so I resisted. Rio was a pretty good movie. My son laughed his ass off.

Tomorrow is Easter and I'm going to miss the beautiful easter dinner at my aunt's house. My son is going to go and I'll go busy myself at work since we're a little behind. I'll try and convince myself that it's just another day. No big whoop.

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy Easter.

